% Q_ABS_SPECIES Adds a gas species to the Q and SX structures % % The method modifies the fields ABS_SPECIES and J.ABS_SPECIES. % The field ATMOSPHERE_DIM must be set. % % Example on adding a species, without jacobians: % Q = q_abs_species( Q, {'O2-PWR93'} ); % % With jacobians: % [Q,SX] = q_gas_species( Q,{'H2O-PWR98'},1,SX,D,p_grid,'vmr'); % % FORMAT [Q,SX] = q_abs_species( Q, tags, do_j, SX, D, grids [, unit, % method, dx ) % % OUT Q Modified Q structure. % SX Modified SX structure. % IN Q Original Q structure. % tags Tag names as cell string array. % OPT do_j Flag to do jacobians. Default is 0. If 0, the variables % below are not needed. % SX Original SX structure. % D Covariance definition. See *arts_covmat*. % grids Retrieval grids, as an ArrayOfVector. % unit Retrieval unit ('rel', 'vmr' or 'nd'). Default is 'rel'. % method Calculation method ('analytical' or 'perturbation'). % Default is 'analytical'. % dx Size of perturbations. Ignored if *method* = 'analytical'. % Default is 0. % 2005-06-23 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [Q,SX] = q_abs_species(Q,tags,do_j,SX,D,grids,unit,method,dx) if nargin < 2 | ( nargin > 2 & nargin < 5 ) error('Number of input arguments must = 2 or >= 6.'); end %= Set defaults % do_j_DEFAULT = 0; unit_DEFAULT = 'rel'; method_DEFAULT = 'analytical'; dx_DEFAULT = 0; % set_defaults; %= Check input % rqre_datatype( 'cellstr', tags ); rqre_bool( 'argument *do_j*', do_j ); i = length(Q.ABS_SPECIES) + 1; for j = 1 : length(tags) Q.ABS_SPECIES{i}{j} = tags{j}; end if do_j Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).DO = do_j; Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).UNIT = unit; Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).METHOD = method; Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).DX = dx; Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).GRID1 = grids{1}; if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM >= 2 Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).GRID2 = grids{2}; if Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM >= 3 Q.J.ABS_SPECIES(i).GRID3 = grids{3}; end end SX.ABS_SPECIES{i} = D; end