% CREATE_TMPFOLDER Creation of a temporary folder in the work area. % % The function creates a folder in the folder set as work area in % *atmlab*. See CONFIGURE for information about *atmlab*. A work area % is a required setting. % % The folder is named as TmpXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is a random number % between 1 and 999999. The created folder will have an unique name. % Random numbers are generated until an unique folder name is found. % % FORMAT tmpfolder = create_tmpfolder % % OUT tmpfolder Full path to created folder. % ATMLAB WORK_AREA The work area is required as a personal setting. % 2002-12-20 Created by Patrick Eriksson, based on older version % in AMI (part of arts-1). function tmpfolder = create_tmpfolder %=== Require that a work area is set as a personal setting % atmlab( 'require', {'WORK_AREA'} ); workarea = atmlab( 'WORK_AREA' ); % if ~ischar( workarea ) error( 'WORKAREA must be a string' ); end if ~exist( workarea, 'dir' ) error(sprintf('The given work area (%s) does not exist.',workarea)); end startdir = pwd; cd( workarea ); ready = 0; s = rand( 'state' ); rand( 'state', 1e6*sum(clock) ) %=== Loop until a new folder with unique name has been created % while ~ready tmpfolder = sprintf('Tmp%d',floor(1e6*rand(1))); if ~exist( tmpfolder, 'dir' ) [a,b] = mkdir(tmpfolder); if isempty(b) % Check again if folder exist, for extra safety ready = 1; end end end rand( 'state', s ); cd( startdir ); tmpfolder = fullfile( workarea, tmpfolder );