% LINEFILE_DEMO Demosntration on usage of ARTS1_CREATE_LINEFILE % % Selects H2O transitions (only local ones) for a range around 490.5 GHz. % A SSB reciever is assumed, with image band around 498.5 GHz. The % sideband leakage has a max value of 3%. % % FORMAT linefile_demo % 2005-03-17 Created by Patrick Erikssom. function linefile_demo %= Make sure that AMI is in the search path. Needed to read/write ARTS1 files % addpath_ami; %= Init Q structure % Q = qarts1; %= Set needed Q fields % Q.P_ABS = z2p_simple( [0:1e3:45e3 46e3:2e3:80e3] ); Q.Z_PLAT = 600e3; Q.Z_GROUND = 500; Q.L_STEP = 10e3; Q.REFR_ON = 0; % Q.ZA_PENCIL = geomztan2za( Q.R_GEOID, Q.Z_PLAT, 10e3:10e3:30e3 ); C.TB_LIMIT = 0.02; C.N_TESTATMS = 3; % C.MOLECULES = { 'H2O-161', 'H2O-162', 'H2O-171', 'H2O-181' }; % C.DF_SEARCH = [ 10e9, 10e9, 10e9, 10e9 ]; % C.BANDDATA = [ 490e9 491e9 1; 498e9 499e9 0.03 ]; [L,tb_max] = arts1_create_linefile( Q, C ); % To save data to a file: % %arts_write_linefile( 'linefile_demo.ac', L );