echo on %- Random vectors with length 6 will be created. %- Two elements with normal distribution: Cm = covmat_from_cfun( 1:2, [], 'lin', [1 1;2 1] ); [P,C] = randmvar_add_normal( [], [], [0 2], [1 0.5], Cm ); %- Two elements with uniform distribution: Cm = covmat_from_cfun( 1:2, [], 'dia' ); [P,C] = randmvar_add_uniform( P, C, [0 1;-1 1], Cm ); %- Two elements with log-normal distribution: Cm = covmat_from_cfun( 1:2, [], 'exp', [1 0.6;2 0.4] ); [P,C] = randmvar_add_lognormal( P, C, [0 1], [0.3 1], Cm ); %- Introduce some cross-correlation between normal and and other elements Cr = repmat( 0.1:0.1:0.4, 2, 1 ); C(1:2,3:6) = Cr; C(3:6,1:2) = Cr'; %- Create 1e6 random vectors X = randmvar( P, C, 1e6 ); %- Transpose X X = X'; %- Check that basic statistic properties are obtained [ mean(X(:,1:2))', std(X(:,1:2))'; min(X(:,3:4))', max(X(:,3:4))'; mean(log(X(:,5:6)))', std(log(X(:,5:6)))' ] %- Input and obtained correlation matrix full(C) corrcoef(X) %!!! All values OK except cross-correlation for last element, !!! %!!! which is too low !!! % % %- Histogram for first uniform element hist(X(:,3),100); echo off