% QARTS_JACOBIAN Defines setting fields for ARTS jacobian calculations % % The function provides default values for all recognised fields and a % description of each field. To list default values just type % 'qarts_jacobian'. The default value for all do-fields is 0. % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. % % FORMAT [J,I] = qarts_jacobian % % OUT J Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as B, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2006-08-29 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [J,I] = qarts_jacobian %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- J.ABS_SPECIES(1).DO = 0; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).METHOD = NaN; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).UNIT = NaN; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRID1 = NaN; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRID2 = NaN; J.ABS_SPECIES(1).GRID3 = NaN; I.ABS_SPECIES = [ ... 'Specification of absorption species jacobians.', ... '# This field is an array of structures. These fields are defined:',... '# DO : Flag to do jacobians.', ... '# UNIT : Retrieval unit (''rel'', ''vmr'' or ''nd'').',... '# METHOD : Calculation method (''analytical'' or ''perturbation'').',... '# DX : Size of perturbations. Ignored if METHOD = analytical',... '# GRID1 : Retrieval grid in pressure dimension.',... '# GRID2 : Retrieval grid in latitude dimension.',... '# GRID3 : Retrieval grid in longitude dimension.',... '#See further ''arts -d jacobianAddGas''. The DO field is added to make',... ' it possible to turn off jacobian calculations without removing the ',... 'the definition, for possible later reactivation.',... '# These fields are most easily set by the *q_gas_species*. The same ',... 'indexing is used for Q.ABS_SPECIES and J.ABS_SPECIES, but J.ABS_SPECIES ',... 'can be shorter than Q.ABS_SPECIES. No jacobian calculations are performed',... ' for species with no J.ABS_SPECIES entry.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- J.POINTING.DO = 0; J.POINTING.DZA = NaN; J.POINTING.POLY_ORDER = NaN; I.POINTING = [ ... 'Structure for specification of pointing offset jacobians. The fields ', ... 'correspond directly to keyword arguments of *jacobianAddPointing*:', ... '# DZA - size of perturbation', ... '# POLY_ORDER - order of the perturbation polynomial.' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------