function [x,P] = oem(O,Q,R,comfun,Sx,Se,Sxinv,Seinv,xa,y) % % P : Inversion "profile" (A, S, la, chi-values, x-iter, ...) % % Q : Basic forward model and retrieval settings % R : Retrieval bookkeeping % O : OEM settings %=== Default values =========================================================== if ~isfield( O, 'method' ), O.method = 'LI'; end if ~isfield( O, 'outfids' ), O.outfids = 1; end if ~isfield( O, 'jexact' ), O.jexact = 0; end % if ~isfield( O, 'cost' ), O.cost = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'Xiter' ), O.Xiter = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'yf' ), O.yf = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'J' ), O.J = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'G' ), O.G = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'A' ), O.A = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'S' ), O.S = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'So' ), O.So = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'Ss' ), O.Ss = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'd' ), O.d = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'do' ), = 0; end if ~isfield( O, 'ds' ), O.ds = 0; end %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %=== Check input ============================================================== min_nargin( 6, nargin ); rqre_datatype( 'struct', O ); % rqre_char( 'O.method', O.method ); rqre_datatype( 'vector', O.outfids ); % if strcmp( upper(O.method), 'LI' ) O.method = 'LI'; else rqre_field( O, 'maxiter', 0 ); rqre_field( O, 'stop_dx', 0 ); if strcmp( upper(O.method), 'GN' ) O.method = 'GN'; elseif strcmp( upper(O.method), 'ML' ) | strcmp( upper(O.method), 'LM' ) O.method = 'ML'; else error( ['Unknown choice for iteration method. ', ... 'Possible choices are ''GN'' and ''ML''.' ] ); end end rqre_datatype( 'struct', Q ); rqre_datatype( {'empty','struct'}, R ); if ~isa( comfun, 'function_handle' ) error('Input argument *comfun* must be a function handle.'); end rqre_datatype( 'numeric', Se ); rqre_datatype( 'numeric', Sx ); if size(Se,1) ~= size(Se,2) error('Input argument *Se* must be a square matrix.'); end if size(Sx,1) ~= size(Sx,2) error('Input argument *Sx* must be a square matrix.'); end if nargin < 7 | isempty(Sxinv) Sxinv = Sx \ eye(size(Sx)); end % if size(Sxinv,1) ~= size(Sxinv,2) error('Input argument *Sxinv* must be a square matrix.'); end if size(Sx,1) ~= size(Sxinv,1) error('Mismatch in size between *Sxinv* and *Sx*.'); end if nargin < 8 | isempty(Seinv) Seinv = Se \ eye(size(Se)); end % if size(Seinv,1) ~= size(Seinv,2) error('Input argument *Seinv* must be a square matrix.'); end if size(Se,1) ~= size(Seinv,1) error('Mismatch in size between *Seinv* and *Se*.'); end if nargin == 9 error('No need to specify *xa* if no *y* is given.'); end if nargin >= 10 rqre_datatype( 'vector', xa ); if size(xa,1) ~= size(Sx,1) error('Mismatch in size between *Sx* and *xa*.'); end rqre_datatype( 'vector', y ); if size(y,1) ~= size(Se,1) error('Mismatch in size between *Se* and *y*.'); end end %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %=== Initializations ========================================================== %- Only inversion characterisation? % only_char = nargin < 8; %- Retrieval variables % x = xa; yf = NaN; G = NaN; %- Iteration variables % ready = 0; % Iteration ready? iter = 0; % Iteration number nx = size( Sx, 1 ); ny = size( Se, 1 ); linear = strcmp( O.method, 'LI' ); cost = NaN; cost_x = NaN; cost_y = NaN; %- P structure % P.converged = 0; P.dx = []; if O.Xiter P.Xiter = []; end if O.cost | strcmp( O.method, 'ML' ) P.cost_x = []; P.cost_y = []; P.cost = []; end %- Print initial screen message % out( 1, 1, O.outfids ); out( 1, 'Analytical Bayesian inversion (OEM/MAP)', O.outfids ); out( 2, 0, O.outfids ); if linear out( 2, 'Linear inversion' ); else if strcmp( upper(O.method), 'GN' ) out( 2, 'Non-linear inversion: Gauss-Newton', O.outfids ); elseif strcmp( upper(O.method), 'ML' ) | strcmp( upper(O.method), 'LM' ) out( 2, 'Non-linear inversion: Marquardt-Levenberg', O.outfids ); else error( ['Unknown choice for iteration method. ', ... 'Possible choices are ''GN'' and ''ML''.' ] ); end out( 2, 0, O.outfids ); nlinprint( O.outfids ); end %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %=== Iterate ================================================================== while ~ready %- This starts a new iteration % iter = iter + 1; %- Calculate new Jacobian (J) % [R,yf,J] = feval( comfun, Q, R, x, iter ); %- Some matrix products % JtSeinv = J' * Seinv; SJSJ = Sxinv + JtSeinv * J; %- If only characterisation, we are ready % if only_char ready = 1; break; end %- Calculate new state % xfound = 0; subiter = 1; dx = NaN; % while ~xfound %- Weighted difference between y and yf if iter == 1 wdy = JtSeinv * ( y - yf ); else wdy = JtSeinv * ( y - yf ) - Sxinv * ( x - xa ); end %- Linear if linear xnew = xa + SJSJ \ wdy; %- Non-linear else if strcmp( O.method, 'GN' ) xnew = x + SJSJ \ wdy; elseif strcmp( O.method, 'ML' ) error('ML not yet handled'); end end %- yf not valid for xnew yf = NaN; %- Cost values if O.cost | strcmp( O.method, 'ML' ) [R,yf] = feval( comfun, Q, R, xnew, iter+1 ); a = xnew - xa; cost_x = (a' * Sxinv * a) / ny; a = y - yf; cost_y = (a' * Seinv * a) / ny; cost = cost_x + cost_y; P.cost = [ P.cost cost ]; P.cost_y = [ P.cost_y cost_y ]; P.cost_x = [ P.cost_x cost_x ]; end %- Has OK state been found? if linear | strcmp( O.method, 'GN' ) xfound = 1; else % ML stuff here end if ~xfound nlinprint( O.outfids, iter, subiter, cost, cost_x, cost_y, dx ); end end % while ~xfound %- Convergence or max iterations reached ? % if linear x = xnew; ready = 1; else % % (Equation 5.31 in the Rodgers book was used here but it didn't work % well for some cases) % dx = ( ( xnew - x )' * SJSJ * ( xnew - x ) ) / nx; % if linear | dx <= O.stop_dx ready = 1; P.converged = 1; end % P.dx = [ P.dx dx ]; % if ~ready & iter == O.maxiter ready = 1; end % nlinprint( O.outfids, iter, subiter, cost, cost_x, cost_y, dx ); end %- Update x % x = xnew; if O.Xiter P.Xiter = [ P.Xiter x ]; end end %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %=== Inversion characteristics ================================================ %- Update J? % if O.jexact & ~only_char [R,yf,J] = feval( comfun, Q, R, x, iter+1 ); JtSeinv = J' * Seinv; SJSJ = Sxinv + JtSeinv * J; end %- Fill P, part 1 % if O.yf if isnan(yf) [R,yf] = feval( comfun, Q, R, x, iter+1 ); end % P.yf = yf; end % if O.J P.J = J; end %- Calculate G ? % if O.G | O.A | O.S | O.So | O.Ss | O.d | | O.ds G = ( SJSJ \ speye(size(Sxinv)) ) * JtSeinv; end %- Calculate A ? % if O.A | O.S | O.Ss | O.d | O.ds A = G * J; end %- Fill P, part 2 % if O.G P.G = G; end % if O.A P.A = A; end % if O.S | O.So | O.d | So = G * Se * G'; % if O.So P.So = So; end % if = sqrt( diag( So ) ); end end % if O.S | O.Ss | O.d | O.ds AI = A - eye(size(A,1)); Ss = AI * Sx * AI'; % if O.S P.S = Ss + So; end % if O.Ss P.Ss = Ss; end % if O.d P.d = sqrt( diag( Ss ) + diag( So ) ); end % if O.ds P.ds = sqrt( diag( Ss ) ); end end %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %=== End of main part ========================================================= %= End screen meassages % out( 1, -1 ); return %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %= Internal sub-functions ===================================================== %=== nlinprint ================================================================ function nlinprint(outfids,iter,subiter,cost,xcost,ycost,dx) if nargin == 1 out( 1,' Main Sub- Total Profile Spectrum Converg.', ... outfids ); out( 1,' iterat. iterat. cost cost cost measure', ... outfids ); else out( 1, sprintf('%8d %8d %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f', iter, subiter, ... cost, xcost, ycost, dx ), outfids ); end return %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^