% QINFO Prints Q structure information % % This function prints field information for a "Q-structure" if the % general format described in *qcheck* is followed. % % The information text shall be a plain string. Formatting of the output % is handled by the function, where position of row brakes is determined % by the Atmlab setting SCREEN_WIDTH. Row brakes can further be hard % coded and are then indicated by the character '#'. Leave some space % after '#' if you want the new paragraph to be intended. % % Some examples: % Assuming that *qdef* provides needed information, information for % field DUMMY is obtained by: % qinfo(@qdef,'DUMMY'); % A trailing wild character can also be used: % qinfo(@qdef,'NEW*'); % To create a file qdoc.txt with information for all fields: % qinfo(@qdef,'all',''qdoc.txt'); % % FORMAT qinfo( qfun, field, fid ) % % IN qfun Pointer to function providing default structure. % OPT field Field name, or 'all'. Default is all. % fid File identifier(s) for output. Or name on file to create. % Default is to only print on screen. % 2004-09-07 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function qinfo( qfun, field, fid ) if nargin < 2 field = 'all'; end if nargin < 3 fid = 1; end if ischar(fid) fid = fileopen( fid, 'w' ); filetoclose = 1; else filetoclose = 0; end [Q,INFO] = feval( qfun ); f1 = fieldnames( Q ); f2 = fieldnames( INFO ); ok = 1; for i = 1 : length(f1) if ~isfield( INFO, f1{i} ) fprintf('The Q-field %s is not found in INFO.\n', f1{i} ); ok = 0; end end if length(f1) ~= length(f2) | ~ok for i = 1 : length(f2) if ~isfield( Q, f2{i} ) fprintf('The INFO-field %s is not defined in Q.\n', f1{i} ); ok = 0; end end end if ~ok fprintf('\n'); error('Inconsistency found when comparing Q and INFO.'); end if strcmp( field, 'all' ) | strcmp( tail(field,1), '*' ) fields = fieldnames( INFO ); if strcmp( tail(field,1), '*' ) n = length( field ) - 1; ind = find( strncmp( field(1:n), fields, n ) ); if isempty(ind) fprintf('No fields match the search string.\n'); return else fields = fields( ind ); end end out(0,1,fid); for i = 1 : length(fields) printfield( fields{i}, getfield( INFO, fields{i} ), fid ); if i < length(fields) out(0,0,fid); end end out(0,-1,fid); else if ~isfield( INFO, field ) error(sprintf('The field %s is not recognised.', field)); end s = getfield( INFO, field ); if ~ischar( s ) error(sprintf('Information for field %s is not a string.', field)); end out(0,1,fid); printfield( field, s, fid ); out(0,-1,fid); end if filetoclose fileclose( fid ); end %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function printfield( field, s, fid ) % atmlab( 'require', {'SCREEN_WIDTH'} ); ncols = atmlab( 'SCREEN_WIDTH' ) - 4; ls = length( s ); % ind = [find( s == ' ' ) ls+1 ]; pind = find( s == '#' ); ready = 0; i = 1; % out(0,sprintf('Field: %s',field),fid); out(0,'-',fid); while ~ready j = ind(max(find( ind <= i+ncols )))-1; if j <= i + 2 % Fix to handle cases when SCREEN_WIDTH is smaller than j = min( [ i+ncols-1 length(s) ] ); % maximum length of a "word" jj = 1; else jj = 2; end if any( pind < j ) j = min(pind) - 1; pind = tail( pind, length(pind)-1 ); end out(0,s(i:j),fid); i = j + jj; if i > ls ready = 1; end end return