% MPM_IWC93_LWC93_RAIN89 Complex refractivity for IWC, LWC and rain. % % Returns the complex refractivity following MPM93 for ice water and % liquid water, and MPM89 for rain. % % Parameter values for rain rates > 25 mm/h are derived by Christian % Melsheimer from the Olsen 1978 paper. % % FORMAT [nr,alpha] = mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89(iwc,lwc,rain,v,t) % % OUT nr Real part of refractivity [-] (a value just above 1). % alpha Absorption [1/m] % IN iwc Ice water content [g/m3] % lwc Liquid water content [g/m3] % rain Rain rate [mm/h] % v Frequency [Hz] % t Temperature [K] % HISTORY: 2003-03-09 Created by Patrick Eriksson function [nr,alpha] = mpm_iwc93_lwc93_rain89(iwc,lwc,rain,v,t) if v < 1e9 | v > 1000e9 error('This function is only valid for 1 -1000 GHz.'); end %=== Local variables % theta = 300 / t; v_ghz = v/1e9; nr = 1; nc = 0; %=== Ice water % if iwc < 0 error('Negativ IWC is not allowed.'); elseif iwc > 10 error('IWC > 10 g/m3 is not allowed.'); elseif iwc > 0 a = ( theta - 0.1871 ) * exp( 17.0 - 22.1*theta ); b = ( (0.233/(1-0.993/theta))^2 + 6.33/theta - 1.31 ) * 1e-5; ep = 3.15; epp = a/v_ghz + b*v_ghz; nc = nc + 1.5 * iwc / 0.916 * ( 3*epp / ( (ep+2)^2 + epp^2 ) ); end %=== Liquid water % if lwc < 0 error('Negativ LWC is not allowed.'); elseif lwc > 5 error('LWC > 5 g/m3 is not allowed.'); elseif lwc > 0 %= Use function doing the same thing % g1 = 20.20 - 146*(theta-1) + 316*(theta-1)^2; % g2 = 39.8 * g1; % e0 = 77.66 + 103.3*(theta-1); % e1 = 0.0671 * e0; % e2 = 3.52; % tmp1 = v_ghz*v_ghz + g1*g1; % tmp2 = v_ghz*v_ghz + g2*g2; % a = (e0-e1)/tmp1; % b = (e1-e2)/tmp2; % ep = e0 - v_ghz*v_ghz * ( a + b ); % epp = v_ghz * ( g1*a + g2*b ); eps = eps_water_liebe93(v,t); ep = real( eps ); epp = imag( eps ); nc = nc + 1.5 * lwc * ( 3*epp / ( (ep+2)^2 + epp^2 ) ); end %=== Rain % if rain < 0 error('Negativ rain rate is not allowed.'); elseif rain > 0 % if rain <= 25 % if v_ghz <= 2.9 x1 = 3.51e-4; y1 = 1.03; elseif v_ghz <= 54 x1 = 2.31e-4; y1 = 1.42; elseif v_ghz <= 180 x1 = 0.225; y1 = -0.301; else x1 = 18.6; y1 = -1.151; end % if v_ghz <= 8.5 x2 = 0.851; y2 = 0.158; elseif v_ghz <= 25 x2 = 1.41; y2 = -0.0779; elseif v_ghz <= 164 x2 = 2.63; y2 = -0.272; else x2 = 0.616; y2 = 0.0126; end % else % rain rate > 25 mm/h if v > 100e9 error('Frequencies > 100 GHz and rain rates > 25 mm/h are not handled.'); end % if v_ghz <= 4.9 x1 = 2.91e-4; y1 = 0.871; elseif v_ghz <= 10.7 x1 = 2.76e-5; y1 = 2.349; elseif v_ghz <= 40.1 x1 = 1.39e-4; y1 = 1.668; elseif v_ghz <= 59.1 x1 = 1.96e-2; y1 = 0.326; else x1 = 0.785; y1 = -0.578; end % if v_ghz <= 6.2 x2 = 0.911; y2 = 0.190; elseif v_ghz <= 23.8 x2 = 1.71; y2 = -0.156; elseif v_ghz <= 48.4 x2 = 3.08; y2 = -0.342; elseif v_ghz <= 68.2 x2 = 1.28; y2 = -0.116; else x2 = 0.932; y2 = -4.08e-2; end % end fr = 53 - rain * ( 0.37 - 0.0015 * rain ); y25 = (v_ghz/fr)^2.5; nr = nr + 1e-6 * rain * ( 0.012*rain - 3.7 ) * y25 / ( fr * ( 1 + y25 ) ); % nc = nc + x1*v_ghz^y1 * rain^( x2*v_ghz^y2 ); end %=== Convert to absorption per meter [1/m] % alpha = 4 * pi * v * nc/1e6 / constants('SPEED_OF_LIGHT'); %alpha = 0.182 * v_ghz * nc; % dB/km