%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: arts_read_linefile % % Reads a line file in the ARTS format. % % The output is in the format expected by WRITE_LINEFILE. % See further WRITE_LINEFILE for definition of the structure % field names. % % The optional argument FLIMS can be used to only pick out % transitions inside a frequency range. % % FORMAT: L = arts_read_linefile( filename [, flims ] ) % % OUT: L Structure array with line data. % IN: filename Name on file to create. % OPTIONAL: flims Frequency limits, as [f_low,f_high], for transitions % to consider. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 040908 Copied to Atmlab from AMI by PE. % 020101 Created by Patrick Eriksson (PE). function L = arts_read_linefile( filename, flims ) %=== Default values % if nargin < 2 flims = [0 Inf]; end %=== Present version number % vers = 3; %=== Open the file fid = fopen( filename, 'r' ); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('The file %s could not be opened.',filename)); end %=== Check that this is a ARTSCAT file and the version number is correct % s = fgets( fid ); % if ~strncmp( s, 'ARTSCAT-', 8 ) error('An ARTS line file must start with "ARTSCAT-"'); end % stest = sprintf('ARTSCAT-%d', vers ); % if ~strncmp( s, stest, length(stest) ) serr = sprintf('The line file has not the correct version number\n'); serr = sprintf('%s(it should be %d)',serr,vers); error( serr ); end %=== Read lines % S = next_line( fid ); n = 0; % L = []; % while ~isempty(S) f = sscanf( S{2}, '%f' ); if f >= flims(1) & f <= flims(2) % n = n + 1; % for i = 1:length(S) switch i case 1 L{n}.name = S{i}; case 2 L{n}.f = f; case 3 L{n}.psf = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 4 L{n}.i0 = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 5 L{n}.t_i0 = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 6 L{n}.elow = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 7 L{n}.agam = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 8 L{n}.sgam = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 9 L{n}.nair = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 10 L{n}.nself = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 11 L{n}.t_gam = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 12 L{n}.n_aux = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); n_aux = L{n}.n_aux; % % Aux variables are handled below otherwise case 13 + n_aux L{n}.df = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 14 + n_aux L{n}.di0 = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 15 + n_aux L{n}.dagam = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 16 + n_aux L{n}.dsgam = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 17 + n_aux L{n}.dnair = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 18 + n_aux L{n}.dnself = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 19 + n_aux L{n}.dpsf = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); case 20 + n_aux L{n}.qcode = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 21 + n_aux L{n}.qlower = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 22 + n_aux L{n}.qlower = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 23 + n_aux L{n}.if = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 24 + n_aux L{n}.ii0 = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 25 + n_aux L{n}.ilw = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 26 + n_aux L{n}.ipsf = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); case 27 + n_aux L{n}.iaux = sscanf( S{i}, '%s' ); otherwise % if i <= 12+n_aux eval(['L{i}.aux',int2str(i-11)]) = sscanf( S{i}, '%f' ); else error(sprintf('To many fields found for line %d.',n)); end end end end % S = next_line( fid ); % end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function S = next_line( fid ) S = []; %= Just return if EOF if feof(fid) return end %= Read next line sin = fgets( fid ); %= Return if empty line if length(sin) < 2 return end %= Read until next line that starts with @ and replace line feeds %= with a blank % if sin(1) ~= '@' serr = sprintf('Could not read linefile at:\n%s',sin); error( serr ); end % s = [ sin( 3 : (length(sin)-1) ), ' ' ]; % c1 = fscanf(fid,'%c',1); % while ~isempty(c1) & c1~='@' % fseek(fid,-1,'cof'); % sin = fgets( fid ); s = [ s, sin( 1 : (length(sin)-1) ), ' ' ]; % c1 = fscanf(fid,'%c',1); end %= Back one step in the file fseek(fid,-1,'cof'); %= Field index i = 0; while 1 i = i + 1; %= Text field inside " " % if s(1) == '"' % iprims = find( s == '"' ); % if length(iprims) < 2 error('Unmatched " found.'); end % S{i} = s(2:(iprims(2)-1)); % l = iprims(2); %= Other field % else %= Find field seperations iblank = find( s == ' ' ); %= Pick out text until first blank l = iblank(1) - 1; S{i} = s(1:l); end %= Remove used text s = s( (l+1):length(s) ); %= Remove blanks at the start of s (if no-blanks, we are ready) ichars = find( s ~= ' ' ); if isempty( ichars ) return; end s = s( ichars(1):length(s) ); end return