% FRESNEL Fresnel formulas for surface reflection % % The amplitude reflection coefficients for a flat surface are % calculated. Note that these are the coefficients for the % amplitude of the wave. The power reflection coefficients are % obtained as % % r = abs(R)^2 % % The expressions assume that relative magnetic permeability is 1 % for both involved media. % % The refractive index can be complex. The refractive index and % the dielectric constant, epsilon, are releated as % % n = sqrt(epsilon) % % FORMAT [Rv,Rh,theta2] = fresnel(n1,n2,theta1) % % OUT Rv Reflection coefficient for vertical polarisation. % Rh Reflection coefficient for horisontal polarisation. % theta2 Angle for transmitted part. % IN n1 Refractive index for medium of incoming radiation. % n2 Refractive index for reflecting medium. % theta1 Angle between surface normal and incoming radiation. % 2004-04-30 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [Rv,Rh,theta2] = fresnel(n1,n2,theta1) DEG2RAD = constants('DEG2RAD'); theta1 = DEG2RAD * theta1; theta2 = asin( real(n1) * sin(theta1) / real(n2) ); costheta1 = cos( theta1 ); costheta2 = cos( theta2 ); Rv = (n2*costheta1-n1*costheta2)./(n2*costheta1+n1*costheta2); Rh = (n1*costheta1-n2*costheta2)./(n1*costheta1+n2*costheta2); theta2 = theta2 / DEG2RAD;