% ATMLAB Handling of Atmlab settings. % % This function is based on *prstnt_struct* and for general help see % the on-line help for that function. % % Existing fields, and possible settings, are listed below. The default % value for all fields is to be empty. % % For adding personal settings at startup, see the file CONFIGURE. To % add or change settings after startup, follow the example below. x % % To check all present settings % atmlab; % % A specific setting is obtained as % value = atmlab( 'FMODEL_NAME' ); % % To set a field to a specic value % atmlab( 'FMODEL_NAME', 'arts' ); % % To set all fields to default % atmlab( 'defaults' ); % % FORMAT value = atmlab( [varargin] ) % % OUT value Setting, if a field is selected. See further % *prstnt_struct*. % OPT varargin Field, field and setting or any option supported by % *prstnt_struct*. % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % AMI_PATH % % The path to the AMI top folder. AMI contains Matlab functions needed for % communication with ARTS1. If you are not using ARTS1, just leave this field % empty. % AMI is added by the function *addpath_ami*, where only the arts subfolder % is added to the Matlab search path. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ARTS_PATH % % Path to executable for ARTS. For example '/home/patrick/ARTS/arts2/src/arts'. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ARTS1_PATH % % Path to executable for ARTS-1.0.x. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % FMODEL_VERBOSITY % % Verbosity of forward model, if such a feature is supported. If field is % is empty, this is interpreted as no verbosity. The forward models work as: % ARTS (both versions): % A number between 0 and 3, where 3 means highest level of verbosity. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SCREEN_WIDTH % % The width, in number of characters, of the Matlab window. % Used by the function *out* to make a frame around screen output. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % VERBOSITY % % The verbosity of Atmlab functions. % Functions writing to the screen set a report level for each output. If the % the set report level is higher than VERBOSITY, the output is ignored. % Output obeying this setting is most easily produced with the function *out*. % Functions can also use VERBOSITY to decide if figures shall be produced % (which is most easily checked by using *out*). %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORK_AREA % % A folder to be used for calculations outside Matlab. For each calculation % session, a folder is created in the given folder with name TmpXXXXXX where % XXXXXX is an integer with up to 6 digits. Atmlab tries to keep the given % folder clean by removing the temporary folders when ready, but if there % is a crash the temporary folder will not be removed. The temporary folders % are not re-used and before the debugging is finished a high number of % folders can be created in the work area and it can be a good idea to remove % old temporary folders. % The full path shall be given. A normal choice for work area on Unix type % platforms is '/tmp'. % The work area is primarily used for forward model calculations, but % there could be other applications. %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 2003-07-06 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function value = atmlab( varargin ) persistent A [A,value] = prstnt_struct( A, @atmlab_defs, varargin ); function A = atmlab_defs A.AMI_PATH = NaN; A.ARTS_PATH = NaN; A.ARTS1_PATH = NaN; A.FMODEL_VERBOSITY = NaN; A.SCREEN_WIDTH = NaN; A.VERBOSITY = NaN; A.WORK_AREA = NaN;