% ATMPLOT_POL2CART Plots a line given in polar coordinates. % % The given points are plotted to current axes. No hold commando is % applied. Plot symbol, and additional plot arguments, can be selected % by adding arguments after *lat*. % % Plotting is only performed if there are no output arguments. With % output arguments, the function can be used for conversion inside % other plotting functions. % % A scalar as input for either radius or latitude means that that value % shall be applied for all points. If both the radii and latitudes are % given as vectors, the both vectors must have the same size. % % Latitude 0 is placed along the horisontal (x) axis. Latitude 90 is % in the upward vertical direction. % % To draw a heart: % atmplot_pol2cart( linspace(0,9,91), 90:2:270, 'r-' ); % hold on % atmplot_pol2cart( linspace(0,9,91), 90:-2:-90, 'r-' ); % % FORMAT [x,y] = atmplot_pol2cart( r, lat [, varargin ] ) % % OUT x The x-coordinate for the line to draw. % y The y-coordinate for the line to draw. % IN r A single radius or a vector of radii. % lat A single latitude, or a vector of latitides. % OPT varargin Arguments that are passed to the *plot* commando. % 2002-12-22 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [x,y] = atmplot_pol2cart( r, lat, varargin ) %= Input % min_nargin( 2, nargin ); DEG2RAD = constants( 'DEG2RAD' ); [x,y] = pol2cart( DEG2RAD * lat, r ); if ~nargout plot( x, y, varargin{:} ); end