% FILE2STRS Converts a file to strings % % The function reads an ASCII file and puts each row of the file into % a cell array of strings. That is, S{3} is row 3 of the file. % % Newline characters are not included in the strings. % % FORMAT S = file2strs( filename ) % % OUT S Cell array of strings. Each array element is a row of the % file, without newline character. % IN filename Name of file to read. % 2002-12-20 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function S = file2strs( filename ) %= Input % min_nargin( 1, filename ); %= Open file for reading % fid = fileopen( filename, 'r' ); %= Loop and read one line at the time (not storing newlines) % j = 0; % while 1 s = fgetl( fid ); if ~ischar(s) break end j = j + 1; S{j} = s; end %= Close file % fid = fileclose( fid );