% SCALE_TEXT Scales the text size of a figure or objects with a factor. % % The function scales all text objects with the given scalimng factor. % The scaling is applied to the given handles and their childrens (all % generations, see *children*). To make all text objects 20% in a figure: % scale_text( gcf, 1.2 ); % % FORMAT scale_text(h,scfac) % % IN h Handle to the figure, or figure objects. % scfac Scaling factor (1 results in no effective scaling). % 2002-12-12 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function scale_text(h,scfac) %=== Check input % min_nargin( 2, nargin ); % if ~isvector( h ) error('The argument *h* must be a numeric vector.'); end % if ~isscalar( scfac ) | scfac <= 0 error('The scaling factor must be a scalar >= 0.'); end %=== Append given handle(s) and children % h = [ h; children( h ) ]; %=== Loop handles and scale all possible text % for ih = 1 : length( h ) switch lower( get( h(ih), 'type' ) ) case 'text' % fsize = get( h(ih), 'FontSize' ); set( h(ih), 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); case 'axes' % fsize = get( h(ih), 'FontSize' ); set( h(ih), 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); % hl = get( h(ih), 'Xlabel' ); fsize = get( hl, 'FontSize' ); set( hl, 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); % hl = get( h(ih), 'Ylabel' ); fsize = get( hl, 'FontSize' ); set( hl, 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); % hl = get( h(ih), 'Zlabel' ); fsize = get( hl, 'FontSize' ); set( hl, 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); % hl = get( h(ih), 'Title' ); fsize = get( hl, 'FontSize' ); set( hl, 'FontSize', scfac*fsize ); end end