function result = Mie2_abs(eps1, mu1, x) % Computation of the Absorption Efficiency Qabs of a sphere % for given complex permittivity and permeability ratios, % eps1=eps1'+ieps1", mu1=mu1'+imu1", between inside and outside % of the sphere for size parameter x=k0*a. % Ref. Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122, % and my own notes on this topic; % k0=2*pi./wavelength; % x=k0.*radius; % Input: eps1, mu1, x % C. Mätzler, July 2002. ep2=imag(eps1); mu2=imag(mu1); nj=100*round(2+x+4*x.^(1/3)); dx=x/nj; x2=x.*x; nj1=nj+1; xj=(0:dx:x); en=Mie2_Esquare(eps1,mu1,x,nj); % E-field en1=0.5*en(nj1).*x2; % End-Term correction in integral enx=en*(xj.*xj)'-en1; % Trapezoidal radial integration inte=dx.*enx; Qabse=4.*ep2.*inte./x2 hn=Mie2_Esquare(mu1,eps1,x,nj); % H-field (by duality) hn1=0.5*hn(nj1).*x2; % End-Term correction in integral hnx=hn*(xj.*xj)'-hn1; % Trapezoidal radial integration inth=dx.*hnx; Qabsm=4.*mu2.*inth./x2 Qabs=Qabse+Qabsm; result=Qabs;