function result = Mie_1(m, x) % Rayleigh Approximation of Mie Efficiencies for given % complex refractive-index ratio m=m'+im" % and size parameter x=k0*a, k0= wave number in ambient medium, % a=sphere radius using the low-frequency approximation of the % complex Mie Coefficients an and bn for n=1, p. 131 % in Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122. % Result is m', m", x, efficiencies for extinction (qext), % scattering (qsca), absorption (qabs), backscattering (qb), % asymmetry parameter asy= and qratio=qb/qsca. % Uses the function "mieab_1" for the Mie Coefficient a1. % C. Mätzler, May 2002. if x==0 result=[0 0 0 0 0 1.5]; elseif x>0 nmax=1; n=1; cn=2*n+1; x2=x*x; f=mieab_1(m,x); anp=real(f); anpp=imag(f); dn=cn.*anp; qabs=2*dn/x2; en=cn.*(anp.*anp+anpp.*anpp); qsca=2*en/x2; qext=qabs+qsca; q=-cn.*f; qb=q*q'/x2; qratio=qb/qsca; asy=0; result=[qext qsca qabs qb asy qratio]; end;