function result = Mie_cd(m, x) % Computes a matrix of Mie coefficients, c_n, d_n, % of orders n=1 to nmax, complex refractive index m=m'+im", % and size parameter x=k0*a, where k0= wave number % in the ambient medium, a=sphere radius; % p. 100, 477 in Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122 % C. Mätzler, July 2002 z=m.*x; nmax=round(2+x+4*x.^(1/3)); nmx=round(max(nmax,abs(z))+16); n=(1:nmax); nu = (n+0.5); msq=m.*m; cnx(nmx)=0+0i; for j=nmx:-1:2 cnx(j-1)=j-z.*z./(cnx(j)+j); end; cnn=cnx(n); sqx= sqrt(0.5*pi./x); sqz= sqrt(0.5*pi./z); bx = besselj(nu, x).*sqx; bz = 1./besselj(nu, z)./sqz; yx = bessely(nu, x).*sqx; hx = bx+i*yx; b1x=[sin(x)/x, bx(1:nmax-1)]; y1x=[-cos(x)/x, yx(1:nmax-1)]; h1x= b1x+i*y1x; ax = x.*b1x-n.*bx; ahx= x.*h1x-n.*hx; nenn1=msq.*ahx-hx.*cnn; nenn2=ahx-hx.*cnn; cn = bz.*(bx.*ahx-hx.*ax)./nenn2; dn = bz.*m.*(bx.*ahx-hx.*ax)./nenn1; result=[cn; dn];