function result = Mie_Esquare(m, x, nj) % Computation of nj+1 equally spaced values within (0,x) % of the mean-absolute-square internal % electric field of a sphere of size parameter x, % complex refractive index m=m'+im", % where the averaging is done over teta and phi, % with unit-amplitude incident field; % Ref. Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122, % and my own notes on this topic; % k0=2*pi./wavelength; % x=k0.*radius; % C. Mätzler, May 2002, revised July 2002 nmax=round(2+x+4*x^(1/3)); n=(1:nmax); nu =(n+0.5); m1=real(m); m2=imag(m); abcd=Mie_cd(m,x); cn=abcd(1,:);dn=abcd(2,:); cn2=abs(cn).^2; dn2=abs(dn).^2; dx=x/nj; for j=1:nj, xj=dx.*j; z=m.*xj; sqz= sqrt(0.5*pi./z); bz = besselj(nu, z).*sqz; % This is jn(z) bz2=(abs(bz)).^2; b1z=[sin(z)/z, bz(1:nmax-1)]; % Note that sin(z)/z=j0(z) az = b1z-n.*bz./z; az2=(abs(az)).^2; z2=(abs(z)).^2; n1 =n.*(n+1); n2 =2.*(2.*n+1); mn=real(bz2.*n2); nn1=az2; nn2=bz2.*n1./z2; nn=n2.*real(nn1+nn2); en(j)=0.25*(cn2*mn'+dn2*nn'); end; xxj=[0:dx:xj]; een=[en(1) en]; plot(xxj,een); legend('Radial Dependence of (abs(E))^2') title(sprintf('Squared Amplitude E Field in a Sphere, m=%g+%gi, x=%g',m1,m2,x)) xlabel('r k') result=een;