function result = Miecoated(m1,m2,x,y,opt) % Mie Efficiencies of coated spheres for given complex refractive-index % ratios m1=m1'+im1", m2= m2'+im2" of kernel and coating, resp., % and size parameters x=k0*a, y=k0*b where k0= wave number in ambient % medium, a,b= inner,outer sphere radius, using complex Mie Coefficients % an and bn for n=1 to nmax, % s. Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122, p. 181-185,483. % Result: m1',m1", m2',m2", x,y, efficiencies for extinction (qext), % scattering (qsca), absorption (qabs), backscattering (qb), % asymmetry parameter (asy=) and (qratio=qb/qsca). % opt selects the function "Miecoated_ab.." for an and bn, n=1 to nmax. % Note that 0<=x<=y; C. Mätzler, August 2002. if x==y % To reduce computing time result=mie(m1,y); elseif x==0 % To avoid a singularity at x=0 result=mie(m2,y); elseif m1==m2 result=mie(m1,y); % To reduce computing time elseif x>0 % This is the normal situation nmax=round(2+y+4*y.^(1/3)); n1=nmax-1; n=(1:nmax);cn=2*n+1; c1n=n.*(n+2)./(n+1); c2n=cn./n./(n+1); y2=y.*y; if opt==1 f=miecoated_ab1(m1,m2,x,y); elseif opt==2 f=miecoated_ab2(m1,m2,x,y); elseif opt==3 f=miecoated_ab3(m1,m2,x,y); end; anp=(real(f(1,:))); anpp=(imag(f(1,:))); bnp=(real(f(2,:))); bnpp=(imag(f(2,:))); g1(1:4,nmax)=[0; 0; 0; 0]; % displaced numbers used for g1(1,1:n1)=anp(2:nmax); % asymmetry parameter, p. 120 g1(2,1:n1)=anpp(2:nmax); g1(3,1:n1)=bnp(2:nmax); g1(4,1:n1)=bnpp(2:nmax); dn=cn.*(anp+bnp); q=sum(dn); qext=2*q./y2; en=cn.*(anp.*anp+anpp.*anpp+bnp.*bnp+bnpp.*bnpp); q=sum(en); qsca=2*q./y2; qabs=qext-qsca; fn=(f(1,:)-f(2,:)).*cn; gn=(-1).^n; f(3,:)=fn.*gn; q=sum(f(3,:)); qb=q*q'./y2; asy1=c1n.*(anp.*g1(1,:)+anpp.*g1(2,:)+bnp.*g1(3,:)+bnpp.*g1(4,:)); asy2=c2n.*(anp.*bnp+anpp.*bnpp); asy=4/y2*sum(asy1+asy2)/qsca; qratio=qb/qsca; result=[qext qsca qabs qb asy qratio]; end;