function result = Miecoated_tetascan(m1, m2, x, y, nsteps) % Computation and plot of Mie Power Scattering function for given % complex refractive-index ratios m1,2=m1,2'+im1,2", size parameters % x=k0*a, y=k0*b, of coated sphere % according to Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122 % C. Mätzler, July 2002. nsteps=nsteps; m1p=real(m1); m1pp=imag(m1); m2p=real(m2); m2pp=imag(m2); nx=(1:nsteps); dteta=pi/(nsteps-1); teta=(nx-1).*dteta; for j = 1:nsteps, u=cos(teta(j)); a(:,j)=Miecoated_S12(m1,m2,x,y,u); SL(j)= real(a(1,j)'*a(1,j)); SR(j)= real(a(2,j)'*a(2,j)); end; scan=[teta teta+pi;SL SR(nsteps:-1:1)]'; polar(scan(:,1),scan(:,2)) title(sprintf('Angular scattering of coated sphere: m1=%g+%gi, m2=%g+%gi, x=%g, y=%g',m1p,m1pp,m2p,m2pp,x,y)); xlabel('Scattering Angle') result=y;