% Reads a GridPos from an XML file. % % Internal function that should never be called directly. % Use *xmlLoad* instead. % % Calls *xmlReadTag* for every member of the GridPos structure. % % FORMAT result = xmlReadGridPos(fid, attrlist, itype, ftype, binary, fid2) % % OUT result GridPos % IN fid File descriptor of XML file % IN attrlist List of tag attributes % IN itype Integer type of input file % IN ftype Floating point type of input file % IN binary Flag. 1 = binary file, 0 = ascii % IN fid2 File descriptor of binary file % 2003-01-09 Created by Oliver Lemke. function result = xmlReadGridPos(fid, attrlist, itype, ftype, binary, fid2) result.idx = xmlReadTag(fid, '', itype, ftype, binary, fid2); fd1 = xmlReadTag(fid, '', itype, ftype, binary, fid2); fd2 = xmlReadTag(fid, '', itype, ftype, binary, fid2); result.fd = [fd1 fd2]; clear fd1 fd2;