% QARTS1 Defines setting fields for ARTS1 calculations % % The function provides default values for all recognised fields and a % description of each field. Default value is normally NaN, but % exceptions exist when some standard choice exists. To list default % values just type 'qarts1'. % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. % % FORMAT [Q,I] = qarts1 % % OUT Q Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as Q, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2004-09-07 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [Q,I] = qarts1 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.ABSMODELS = which('arts1_absmodels.cfile'); I.ABSMODELS = [ ... 'An control file excerpt including descriptions of absorption models to', ... ' use (called continua in ARTS1). This shall be a series of calls of', ... ' *cont_descriptionAppend* (call of *cont_descriptionInit* shall NOT be',... ' included.',... '# Shall be as a file name. A file containing standard choices is',... ' *arts1_absmodels.cfile*.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.APRIORI_PTZ = NaN; I.APRIORI_PTZ = [ ... 'Acts as ARTS1 WSV with same name. Specified as a file name.', ... ' Can be NaN if USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = 0.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.APRIORI_VMR = NaN; I.APRIORI_VMR = [ ... 'Acts as ARTS1 WSV with same name. Specified as a file name without', ... ' extensions.', ... ' Can be NaN if USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = 0.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.F_MONO = NaN; I.F_MONO = [ ... 'As ARTS1 WSV with same name.', ... ' For allowed input formats see P_ABS.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LINEDATA = NaN; I.LINEDATA = [ ... 'The data on spectroscopic lines to use. Can be given in two ways:', ... '#1. As a file name. All formats handled by ARTS1 can then be used. See', ... ' LINEFORMAT. The reading is not restricted to any frequency range.', ... '#2. As an array of line data. Format described in *arts_write_linefile*,',... ' and such an array can be loaded by *arts_read_linefile*. The value of',... ' is here neglected as this data can only be in ARTS format.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LINEFORMAT = NaN; I.LINEFORMAT = [ ... 'The format on spectroscopic data, if provided as a file (see LINEDATA).', ... '# Possible formats are ''Arts'', ''Hitran'', ''Jpl'' and ''Mytran2''.', ... ' Note that these strings must be given exactly as stated here (first',... ' upper case etc.).' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LINESHAPE = 'Voigt_Kuntz6'; I.LINESHAPE = [ ... 'The line shape to use. The same line shape is used for all tag groups.', ... ' Shall be a string.', ... ' Do "arts -d ineshape_per_tgDefine" to list valid options.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LINESHAPE_CUTOFF = -1; I.LINESHAPE_CUTOFF = [ ... 'The line shape cut-off to apply. The same cut-off is used for all tag', ... ' groups. A value of -1 means no cut-off.', ... ' Do "arts -d ineshape_per_tgDefine" for further information.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.LINESHAPE_FACTOR = 'quadratic'; I.LINESHAPE_FACTOR = [ ... 'The line shape normalisation factor to apply. The same factor is used', ... ' for all tag groups. Shall be a string.', ... ' Do "arts -d lineshape_per_tgDefine" for valid options.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.P_ABS = NaN; I.P_ABS = [ ... 'As ARTS1 WSV with same name.', ... ' Can either be a vector, or name of a relevant file. File names must end', ... ' with .aa or .ab to indicate which ARTS1 data format that is used.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.T_ABS = NaN; I.T_ABS = [ ... 'As ARTS1 WSV with same name.', ... ' For allowed input formats see P_ABS. Can be NaN if USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = 1.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.TGS = []; I.TGS = [ ... 'Specification of species tag groups.', ... ' Atmlab format for tag groups is specified in * arts_tgs_cnvrt*.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = NaN; I.USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = [ ... 'Boolean to decide if T_ABS, Z_ABS and VMRS shall be used (option 0) or',... ' APRIORI_PTZ and APRIORI_VMRS (option 1).' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.VMRS = NaN; I.VMRS = [ ... 'As ARTS1 WSV with same name.', ... ' For allowed input formats see P_ABS. Can be NaN if USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = 1.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.Z_ABS = NaN; I.Z_ABS = [ ... 'As ARTS1 WSV with same name.', ... ' For allowed input formats see P_ABS. Can be NaN if USE_RAW_ATMOSPHERE = 1.' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------