% ice_psd_Ivanova_01 returns the particle size distribution in cirrus clouds. % % Returns a vector with the particle size distribution % for a given temperature, ice water content, and shape % for a mid-latitude cirrus cloud. % This parameterization is based on the distribution % of maximum dimension of the particle shapes, and are based on % measurements of ice crystals in the range 10^-6 m to 10^-3 m. % The particle size distribution is a bimodal gamma distribution, % and with the input "mode" there is an option of which mode % that will be returned. % % The parameterization is taken from Ivanova et al. % "A GCM parameterization for bimodal size spectra and ice mass % removal rates in mid-latitude cirrus clouds" % Atmospheric Research 59-60, 89-113, 2001 % % FORMAT [y] = ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,D,shape,mode) % % OUT y is a vector with the particle size distribution [#/m^3/m] % % IN T Temperature [Kelvin] % IWC Ice water content [g/m^3] % D the vector with the maximum dimension of % the ice particles [m], % where the concentration will be calculated % shape 1=planar polycrystals % 2=bulett rosettes % 3=hexagonal plates % 4=hexagonal columns % mode 1=both large and small mode % 2=only small mode % 3=only large mode % % History: 2004-07-19 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [y]=ice_psd_Ivanova_01(T,IWC,D,shape,mode); T=T-273.15; if T>0 error('Only temperatures smaller than 273.15 K are allowed.') end if ((shape~=1) && (shape~=2) && (shape~=3) && (shape~=4)) error('Only shape 1,2,3,or 4 are allowed.') end if ((mode~=1) && (mode~=2) && (mode~=3)) error('Only mode 1,2, or 3 are allowed.') end D=1e6*D; %micron musm=3.24; mulg=2.64; Dsm=27.4; %micron lambdasm=(musm+1)/Dsm; Dlg=337.7*exp(0.01754*T); %micron lambdalg=(mulg+1)/Dlg; if shape==1 %constants for planar polycrystals alfa1=36000;beta1=2.897; alfa2=587;beta2=2.45; IWCsmn=0.11+0.89*exp(-(Dlg/50)^2); end if shape==2 %constants for bulett rosettes alfa1=8220;beta1=2.75; alfa2=alfa1;beta2=beta1; L=-0.00009524*Dlg+0.1200; IWCsmn=L+(1-L)*exp(-(Dlg/45)^2); end if shape==3 %constants for hexagonal plates alfa1=587;beta1=2.45; alfa2=alfa1;beta2=beta1; IWCsmn=0.11+0.89*exp(-(Dlg*1e6/50)^2); end if shape==4 %constants for hexagonal columns alfa1=111000;beta1=2.91; alfa2=11.0;beta2=1.91; L=0.0009722*Dlg-0.05833; IWCsmn=L+(1-L)*exp(-(Dlg/85)^2); end IWClgn=1-IWCsmn; IWCsm=IWC*IWCsmn; %g/m^3 IWClg=IWC*IWClgn; %g/m^3 Nosm=IWCsm*(lambdasm*1e6)^(beta1+musm+1)/(alfa1*gamma(beta1+musm+1)); Nolg=IWClg*(lambdalg*1e6)^(beta2+mulg+1)/(alfa2*gamma(beta2+mulg+1)); Nmsm=Nosm*(1e-6*D).^(musm).*exp(-lambdasm*D); %m^-4 Nmlg=Nolg*(1e-6*D).^(mulg).*exp(-lambdalg*D); %m^-4 if mode==1 y=Nmsm+Nmlg; end if mode==2 y=Nmsm; end if mode==3 y=Nmlg; end