% ice_psd_Mcfar_97 returns the particle size distribution in cirrus clouds. % % Returns a vector with the particle size distribution for % a given temperature and ice water content, for a tropical cirrus cloud. % The parameterization is based upon the distribution of mass equivalent % spheres with diameter Dm=(6M/(pi*rhoice))^(1/3), % where rhoice is the density % of solid ice spheres, and M is the mass of the ice crystal. The % parameterization can be applied over all sizes. % The particle size distribution is a bimodal distribution, % and with the input "mode" there is an option of which mode % that will be returned. % % The parameterization is taken from G.M McFarquhar and A.J Heymsfield, % "Parameterization of tropical cirrus ice crystal size distribution % and implications for radiative transfer: results from CEPEX", % J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 2187-2200, 1997 % % FORMAT [y] = ice_psd_Mcfar_97(T,IWC,D,mode) % % OUT y is a vector with the particle size distribution [#/m^3/m] % % IN T Temperature [Kelvin] % IWC Ice water content [g/m^3] % D the size vector of the ice particles, % (the mass equivalent sphere diameter [m]), % where the concentration will be calculated % mode 1=both small and large mode % 2=only small mode % 3=only large mode % % History: 2004-07-19 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [y]=ice_psd_Mcfar_97(T,IWC,D,mode); T=T-273.15; if T>0 error('Only temperatures less than 273.15 K are allowed.') end if ((mode~=1) && (mode~=2) && (mode~=3)) error('Only mode 1,2, or 3 are allowed.') end D=1e6*D; %micron a=0.252; %g/m^3 b=0.837; IWC0=1; %g/m^3 IWCs100=min(IWC,a*(IWC/IWC0)^(b)); IWCl100=IWC-IWCs100; rhoice=0.91*1e6; %g/m^3 %Gamma distribution component b=-4.99*1e-3;m=0.0494; alfas100=(b-m*log10(IWCs100/IWC0)); %miron^-1 Ns100=6*IWCs100*alfas100^(5)/(pi*rhoice*gamma(5)); %micron^-5 Nm1=Ns100*D.*exp(-alfas100*D); %micron^-4 %Log normal distribution component aamu=5.20; bamu=0.0013; abmu=0.026; bbmu=-1.2*1e-3; amu=aamu+bamu*T; bmu=abmu+bbmu*T; mul100=amu+bmu*log10(IWCl100/IWC0); aasigma=0.47; basigma=2.1*1e-3; absigma=0.018; bbsigma=-2.1*1e-4; asigma=aasigma+basigma*T; bsigma=absigma+bbsigma*T; sigmal100=asigma+bsigma*log10(IWCl100/IWC0); D0=1.0; %micron a1=6*IWCl100; %g/m^3 a2=pi^(3/2)*rhoice*sqrt(2)*exp(3*mul100+9/2*sigmal100^(2))*sigmal100*D0^(3); %g/m^3/micron^3 Nm2=a1/a2./D.*exp(-1/2*((log(D/D0)-mul100)/sigmal100).^(2)); %micron^-4 %convert to m^-4 Nm1=Nm1*1e24; Nm2=Nm2*1e24; if mode==1 y=Nm1+Nm2; end if mode==2 y=Nm1; end if mode==3 y=Nm2; end