function z = epsice(f,TK) % Function for calculating the relative permittivity of pure ice in the % microwave region, according to C. Mätzler, "Microwave properties of ice % and snow", in B. Schmitt et al. (eds.) Solar System Ices, Astrophys. % and Space Sci. Library, Vol. 227, Kluwer Academic Publishers, % Dordrecht, pp. 241-257 (1998). Input: % TK = temperature (K), range 20 to 273.15 % f = frequency in GHz, range 0.01 to 3000 B1 = 0.0207; B2 = 1.16e-11; b = 335; deltabeta = exp(-10.02 + 0.0364*(TK-273)); betam = (B1/TK) * ( exp(b/TK) / ((exp(b/TK)-1)^2) ) + B2*f^2; beta = betam + deltabeta; theta = 300 / TK - 1; alfa = (0.00504 + 0.0062*theta)*exp(-22.1*theta); z = 3.1884 + 9.1e-4*(TK-273); z = z + i*(alfa/f + beta*f);