% RANDMVAR Realisation of random multivariate data % % The function returns *n* vectors fulfilling the given statistical % properties. The statistics are described by cumulative distribution % function (CDF) for each vector element and the correlation matrix. % The cumulative distribution function is the cumulative integral of % the probability density function. % % The statistics for each individual vector element will be fulfilled % completely, while the correlation structure will be somewhat distorted. % The correlation distortion depends on the deviation from normal % statistics. % % The cumulative distribution function is described by the cell array *P*, % where each element must/can have the fields listed below. The only % mandatory field is 'cdf'. % % cdf : The distribution function as a 2 column matrix. Column 1 is % the data abscissa. Column 2 is the distribution function. % The distribution function must start with 0 and end with 1. % interpmeth : Method for interpolating data in 'cdf'. See *interp1* % for options. Default is 'linear'. % datalims : Min and max allowed values for obtained data. The purpose of % this field is to make it possible to create PDF peaks and % the end points of the data range. See example below. % % To create 1e6 vectors of length 2 with uniformly distributed data: % C = covmat_from_cfun(1:2,[], ... ); % P{1}.cdf = [0 0;1 1]; % P{2} = P{1}; % X = randmvar(P,C,1e6); % % To obtain PDF peaks at 0 and 1, each holding 10% of the data % P{1}.cdf = [-0.01 0;0 0.1;1 0.9;1.01 1]; % P{1}.datalims = [0 1]; % % FORMAT X = randmvar( P, C, n ) % % OUT X Random data [length(x) x n]. % IN P Description of CDF. Format given above. % C Correlation matrix. % n Number of vector realisations to generate. % 2005-05-21 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function X = randmvar(P,C,n) %= Check input % min_nargin( 3, nargin ); % if ~iscell(P) error('Input argument *P* must be a cell array.'); end % if ndims(C) > 2 | size(C,1) ~= size(C,1) error('Input argument *C* must be a square matrix.'); end % if length(P) ~= size(C,1) error('Mismatch in size between *P* and *C*.'); end % if ~isscalar(n) | ~isinteger(n) | n<1 error('Input argument *n* must be a positive integer.'); end % if nargin < 4 interpmeth = 'linear'; end lxm = length(P); %= Generate cases with normal distribution and unit std dev % X = randmvar_normal( zeros(lxm,1), 1, C, n ); %= Transform to cumulative values % Xc = cdf_normal( X ); %= Map to given distribution % for i = 1:lxm % if isvector( P{i}.cdf ) % X(i,:) = P{i}.cdf(1,1) + X(i,:) * P{i}.cdf(1,2); else % if P{i}.cdf(1,2) ~= 0 error( sprintf('CDF %d does not start with 0',i) ); end if P{i}.cdf(end,2) ~= 1 error( sprintf('CDF %d does not end with 1',i) ); end % if isfield( P{i}, 'interpmeth' ) imethod = P{i}.interpmeth else imethod = 'linear'; end % X(i,:) = interp1( P{i}.cdf(:,2), P{i}.cdf(:,1), Xc(i,:), imethod ); % end end %= Datalims % if isfield( P{i}, 'datalims' ) X(i,find(X(i,:) 1 X(i,find(X(i,:)>P{i}.datalims(2))) = P{i}.datalims(2); end end