% QARTS_CLOUDBOX Defines setting fields for ARTS cloudbox calculations % % The function provides default values for all recognised fields and a % description of each field. Default value is normally NaN, but % exceptions exist when some standard choice exists. To list default % values just type 'qarts_cloudbox'. % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. % % FORMAT [C,I] = qarts_cloudbox % % OUT C Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as C, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2005-03-14 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [C,I] = qarts_cloudbox %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.LIMITS = NaN; I.LIMITS = [ ... 'Cloudbox limits. Given as a vector, with length 2-6 depending on the ',... 'atmospheric dimensionality. Absolute units are used (not indices). ',... 'Geometrical altitude is used for the vertical dimension' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.METHOD = NaN; I.METHOD = [ ... 'Calculation method for scattering. Allowed options are:',... '# ''DOIT'' : Discrete ordinate iterative method',... '# ''MC'' : Backward Monte Carlo' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.METHOD_PRMTRS = NaN; I.METHOD_PRMTRS = [ ... 'Parameters and data for scattering calculation method, given as a ',... 'structure. The set of fields of this structure depend on choosen METHOD:',... '# ',... '#*** MC ***',... '# STD_ERR : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# MAX_TIME : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# MAX_ITER : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# RNG_SEED : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# INCOMING_LOOKUP : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# Z_FIELD_IS_1D : As the keyword argument with same name.',... '# ',... '#*** DOIT ***',... '# N_ZA_GRID : ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*',... '# N_AA_GRID : ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*',... '# ZA_GRID_OPT_FILE: ',... '#As the keyword arguments of *DoitAngularGridsSet*.', ... ' If no filename is given (""), equidistant grids are used for RT', ... ' and scattering integral. This option can be used for down-looking', ... ' simulations.',... '# SCAT_ZA_INTERP : ',... '#As the WSV with same name, but given as a string. ',... 'See *scat_za_interpSet* for possible options.',... '# EPSILON : ',... '#As the keyword argument of *doit_conv_flagAbsBT*. ',... 'Here given as a vector. Length of vector must be >= *STOKES_DIM*. ',... 'The vector is truncated if longer.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.PND_FIELD = NaN; I.PND_FIELD = [ ... 'Field of particle number densities. There are here two options:',... '# 1. The WSV *pnd_field* can be specified directly. Can then be given ',... 'either as the name of a XML file, or as a Matlab variable.',... '# 2. As the name of files with the field of individual particle ',... 'species. The field must then be a cell array of strings. These files ',... 'must match SCAT_DATA and are used as input to *ParticleTypeAdd*.',... '# The same option must be used for PND_FIELD and SCAT_DATA.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.DISTR_TYPE = NaN; I.DISTR_TYPE = [ ... 'Type of particle distribution data. There are three options:', ... ' 1. By default it is assumed that a particle distribution is', ... 'combined by using several size bins. ', ... ' 2. If one wants to do a calculation for a monochromatic size',... 'distribution, i.e., just one scat_data_file and the corresponding', ... 'pnd_field_file is required, this variable must be set to *mono*.'... ' 3. If the ARTS variables *pnd_field* and *scat_data_raw* are', ... 'pre-calculated, this variable has to be set to *precalc*. Using', ... 'this option the function *ParticleTypeAdd(All)* is not used which',... 'means that the data is not checked properly.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.SCAT_DATA = NaN; I.SCAT_DATA = [ ... 'Single scattering data. There are here two options:',... '# 1. The WSV *scat_data_raw* can be specified directly. Can then be ',... 'given either as the name of a XML file, or as a Matlab variable.',... '# 2. As the name of files with data of individual particle ',... 'species. The field must then be a cell array of strings. These files ',... 'must match PND_FIELD and are used as input to *ParticleTypeAdd*.',... '# The same option must be used for PND_FIELD and SCAT_DATA.' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------