% QARTS_BATCH Defines setting fields for ARTS batch calculations % % The function provides default values for all recognised fields and a % description of each field. Default value is normally NaN, but % exceptions exist when some standard choice exists. To list default % values just type 'qarts_batch'. % % This function is organised in such way that *qcheck* and *qinfo* % can be used. % % FORMAT [B,I] = qarts_batch % % OUT B Setting structure with default values for all recognised fields. % I Includes same fields as B, where the content of each field % is a description string (used by *qinfo*). % 2005-05-26 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [B,I] = qarts_batch %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.CALC_AGENDA = {'RteCalc{}'}; I.CALC_AGENDA = [ ... 'Corresponds directly to ARTS WSV *batch_calc_agenda*.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.DATA = []; I.DATA = [ ... 'Batch data. This field is a cell array where each element shall have the ',... 'the fields:', ... '# WSV : The ARTS WSV to which the data shall be transfered.', ... '# TYPE : The ARTS data type of the WSV.', ... '# X : The actual batch data. This variable shall accordingly be of ', ... 'one dimension higher than the WSV type. ', ... '# For example, if *sensor_los* shall be modified, then you do something ', ... 'like:', ... '# Q.BATCH.DATA{1}.WSV = ''sensor_los'';', ... '# Q.BATCH.DATA{1}.TYPE = ''Matrix'';', ... '# Q.BATCH.DATA{1}.X = 113.3+randn(5,1,1)*0.05;' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.N = NaN; I.N = [ ... 'Number of batch cases to run.' ]; %----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.POST_AGENDA = {'Ignore(ybatch){}','DoNothing(ybatch){}'}; I.POST_AGENDA = [ ... 'Corresponds directly to ARTS WSV *batch_post_agenda*.', ... '# Conversion of radiances to other units is included automatically, ', ... 'where output unit follows *Q.Y_UNIT*. Neither saving to file needs to be ',... 'inluded in this agenda.' ]; %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------