% CONSTANTS Phyiscal and math constants % % This function returns physical constants. It gives an % error message, if the constant is not defined. % % The following constants are defined: % % BOLTZMANN_CONST % CBGR Temperature of cosmic background radiation % DEG2RAD Conversion from degrees to radians % EARTH_RADIUS Standard value for the Earth radius. Selected value % gives a circumference of 360*60 nautical miles. % EARTHORBIT_RADIUS Radius of the Earth orbit, around the Sun % NAUTICAL_MILE 1 nautical mile % PLANCK_CONST % RAD2DEG Conversion from radians to degrees % SPEED_OF_LIGHT % SUN_RADIUS Sun radius % % FORMAT const = constants(name); % % OUT const Value of the constant. % IN name Name of the constant. % 2002-12-12 Created by Claudia Emde. function const = constants(name) % You can add new constants here. The names should be self-explanatory % and the constants are sorted alphabetically. You also have to add the % name of the constant in the list above, so that the help command % gives out a complete list of constants. switch name case 'BOLTZMANN_CONST' const = 1.380662e-23; case 'CBGR' const = 2.735; case 'DEG2RAD' const = 0.01745329251994; case 'EARTH_RADIUS' const = 6.3667e6; case 'EARTHORBIT_RADIUS' const = 1.495e11; case 'NAUTICAL_MILE' const = 1852; case 'PLANCK_CONST' const = 6.626180e-34; case 'RAD2DEG' const = 57.29577951308232; case 'SPEED_OF_LIGHT' const = 2.99792458e8; case 'SUN_RADIUS' const = 6.960e8; otherwise error(strcat('Unknown constant: ', name)) end