% Writes data to an XML file. % % This is the generic writing routine for XML files. You have to give % the filename, the data and the type of data as a string. % % E.g. writing the vector v to file 'vect.xml': % % xmlStoreImpl ('vect.xml', 'Some comment', v, 'Vector'); % % Make sure that the data you're passing has the correct type. % % FORMAT xmlStore(filename, comment, data, type, precision) % % IN filename Name of output file % IN comment Comment to store along with the data % IN data Data % IN type Data type % 2002-12-16 Created by Oliver Lemke. function xmlStore(filename, comment, data, type, precision) %=== Basic ckeck of input % min_nargin( 2, nargin ); % if nargin < 5 precision = 'FLOAT'; end fid = xmlOpenOutputFile (filename); xmlWriteHeader (fid); if length (comment) > 0 xmlWriteComment (fid, comment); end if length (type) > 14 & type (1:14) == 'ArrayOfArrayOf' xmlWriteArrayOfArrayOf (fid, data, type(15:length(type)), precision); elseif length (type) > 7 & type (1:7) == 'ArrayOf' xmlWriteArrayOf (fid, data, type (8:length(type)), precision); else func = str2func (strcat ('xmlWrite', type)); feval (func, fid, data, precision); end xmlWriteFooter (fid); fclose (fid); clear fid func;