% gauss_laguerre_apply performs Laguerre Gauss quadrature % % Returns a vector or matrix depending on input with for example % particle number density after performing % Laguerre Gauss quadrature to represent scattering properties % of particle polydispersions. % For information on Gaussian quadrature see for example % numerical recipies % % % An example on usage (to generate a PSD for ice particles): % xnorm = 50e-6; % [x_i,w_i] = gauss_laguerre(0,10,xnorm); % y = ice_psd_gamma( ... ); % y = gauss_laguerre_apply(y,x_i,w_i,xnorm); % % FORMAT [Y] = gauss_laguerre_apply(Y,x_i,w_i,xnorm]) % % OUT Y A matrix or vector with the integrated % values of Y % % IN x_i is a vector with abscissas % w_i is a vector with weights % xnorm Normalisation value for length scale. % Y The function to be integrated evaluated % at x_i % History: 2005-06-28 Created by Bengt Rydberg function Y = gauss_laguerre_apply(Y,x_i,w_i,xnorm) %= Set defaults % xnorm_DEFAULT = 1; % set_defaults; %= Check input % if length(x_i) ~= length(w_i) error('Length of *x_i* and *w_i* must be identical.'); end % if size(Y,1) ~= length(x_i) error('Size of *Y* does not match length of *x_i*'); end x_i = x_i / xnorm; x_i = vec2col( x_i ); w_i = vec2col( w_i ); Y = Y .* repmat(xnorm*exp(x_i).*w_i,1,size(Y,2));