% gauss_laguerre returns abscissas and weights for Laguerre Gauss quadrature % % Returns a vector with abscissas and weights for performing % Laguerre Gauss quadrature to represent scattering properties % of particle polydispersions. % % To apply the integration weights use *gauss_laguerre_apply*. % % An example on usage (to generate a PSD for ice particles): % xnorm = 50e-6; % [x_i,w_i] = gauss_laguerre(0,10,xnorm); % y = ice_psd_gamma( ... ); % y = gauss_laguerre_apply(y,x_i,w_i,xnorm); % % FORMAT [x_i,w_i] = gauss_laguerre(alpha,N[,xnorm]) % % OUT x_i is a vector with abscissas % w_i is a vector with weights % % IN alpha exponent of weighting function x^alpha*exp(-x) % N number of points % OPT xnorm Normalisation value for length scale. Original point of 1 % will be mapped to this value. Default is 1. % History: 2005-05-13 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [x_i,w_i]=gauss_laguerre(alpha,N,xnorm); %= Set defaults % xnorm_DEFAULT = 1; % set_defaults; L_size=100000; x=linspace(0,50,L_size)'; % get Laguerre polynomials for i=0:N+1 if i==0 L(1:L_size,1)=1; elseif i==1 L(1:L_size,2)=-x+alpha+1; else L(1:L_size,i+1)=((-x+2*(i-1)+alpha+1.0).*L(1:L_size,i)-(i-1.0+alpha)*L(1:L_size,i-1))/i; end end % find abscissas (roots of laguerre polynom of order N) s=1; for i=1:length(x)-1 if L(i,N+1)*L(i+1,N+1)<=0 x_i(s)=x(i); L_i(s)=L(i,N+1); L_i_a(s)=L(i,N+2); s=s+1; end end n_fak=1; for i=1:N n_fak=n_fak*i; end % get weights w_i=gamma(N+alpha+1)*x_i./n_fak/(N+1)^2./L_i_a.^2; x_i = x_i * xnorm;