% WHICHFILES Gives a list of files in a folder % % The function returns all files in a folder that match some regular % search expression. % % Folders are ignored. This means that '*' will not include . and .. % % FORMAT filenames = whichfiles( [ rgexp, folder ] ) % % OUT filenames Cell array of strings with names of files. Complete path % is given. % OPT rgexp Search expression, such as '*.mat'. Default is '*'. % folder Path to folder. If not given, pwd is used. % 2006-02-01 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function filenames = whichfiles( rgexp, folder ) if nargin < 1 rgexp = '*'; end if nargin < 2 folder = pwd; end %= Search folder % D = dir( fullfile( folder, rgexp ) ); %= Create filenames % if isempty(D) filenames = []; else j = 0; for i = 1:length(D) if ~D(i).isdir j = j + 1; filenames{j} = fullfile( folder, D(i).name ); end end end