% TPLOT Text plots. % % Creates plots just including text. The text can be written in columns. % % The plot is initialized by calling the function with the axes handle % and number of columns to create. Text is then written from the top % downwards, one row (per column) for each function call. % % An example: % tplot( gca, 2 ); % tplot( gca, 1, 'A FANCY AND BOORING TITLE',14,'B'); % tplot( gca, 2, '',14,'B'); % tplot( gca, 1, 'Here is column 1.'); % tplot( gca, 1, 'Column 1 again.'); % tplot( gca, 2, 'Here is column 2.'); % % FORMAT tplot(h,col) or tplot(h,col,s[,fsize,fweight]) % % IN h Handle to axes where to place the text. % col In first format case: Number of columns to create. % In second format case: The text is placed in this column. % s String to print. % OPT fsize Font size. Default is 12. % fweight Font weight. Default is 'n' (normal). For bold font: 'b'. % 2002-12-14 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function tplot(h,col,s,fsize,fweight) %=== Input arguments % min_nargin( 2, nargin ); % if ~iswhole(col) | col <= 0 error('The argument *col* must be an integer > 0.'); end % if nargin < 4 fsize = 12; end % if nargin < 5 fweight = 'n'; end %=== Init the plot % if nargin < 3 % h0 = gca; axes( h ); cla; axes( h0 ); % %- Turn off frame axes_frame( h, 'off' ); % %- Set other values to store in UserData A.ncol = col; A.row = repmat( 0.98, 1, col ); % y-position of lower part ot text per col % set( h, 'UserData', A ); %=== Write text % else % A = get( h, 'UserData' ); % if ~isfield( A, 'ncol' ) error('It appears that the UserData of the axes are corrupted.'); end % if col > A.ncol error( sprintf('You selected column %d, but only %d columns exist.', ... col, A.ncol ) ); end % %- Determine height of text in axes coordinates ht = text( 0.5, 0.5, 'T', 'FontSize', fsize, 'FontWeight', fweight ); dummy = get( ht, 'Extent' ); htext = dummy(4); delete(ht); % x = 0.02 + 0.98 * (col -1) / A.ncol; y = A.row(col) - 0.6 * htext; % A.row(col) = y - htext/2;; % text( x, y, s, 'FontSize', fsize, 'FontWeight', fweight ); % set( h, 'UserData', A ); end