% ARTS_Y Calculates spectra using ARTS % % Qarts fields for atmosphere, absorption, sensor and RT must be % specified. % % FORMAT [y,dy] = arts_y( Q ) % % OUT y Spectrum vector. % dy Estimate of calculation accuracy. % IN Q Qarts structure. % 2004-09-17 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function Y = arts_batch( Q ) tmpfolder = create_tmpfolder; parts = qarts2cfile( 'batch' ); S = qarts2cfile( Q, parts, tmpfolder ); cfile = fullfile( tmpfolder, 'cfile.arts' ); qtool( S, cfile, [] ); arts( cfile ); Y = xmlLoad( fullfile( tmpfolder, 'ybatch.xml' ) ); delete_tmpfolder( tmpfolder );