% ARTS_TGS_CNVRT Convert species tag information % % The function convert species tag data between Atmlab and ARTS % formats. The ARTS format is a string, with each group inside % " " and group items seperated with commas. Tags are stored in Atmlab % as string arrays, such as a = {ClO}. For example, % b = arts_tgs_cnvrt({'H2O-*-490e9-510e9','H2O-PWR98'}) % gives % b = '"H2O-*-490e9-510e9,H2O-PWR98"'; % % The function handles also definition of multiple species. The data must % then be packed into the field 'TAG' of a structure array: % a(1).TAG{1} = 'ClO'; % a(2).TAG{1} = 'O3'; % a(3).TAG{1} = 'H2O'; % a(3).TAG{2} = 'H2O-MPM89'; % which results in the string % '"ClO","O3","H2O,H2O-MPM89"' % % The conversion from ARTS to atmlab format produces always the later % format (a.TAG). % % The function performs conversion in both directions, where the input % format is determined by the type of the input argument *a*. % % FORMAT b = arts_tgs_cnvrt( a ) % % OUT b Species tag data information in output format. % IN a Species tag data information in input format. % 2004-09-08 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function b = arts_tgs_cnvrt( a ) % %&% rqre_datatype( a, {@iscellstr,@isstruct,@ischar} ); %&% if iscellstr( a ) % b = '"'; for i = 1 : length(a)-1 b = sprintf( '%s%s,', b, a{i} ); end b = sprintf( '%s%s"', b, a{end} ); elseif isstruct( a ) % %&% if ~isfield( a, 'TAG' ) %&% error( 'If *a* is a structure, it must have the field ''TAG''.' ); %&% end %&% % b = ''; for i = 1 : length(a)-1 b = sprintf( '%s%s,', b, arts_tgs_cnvrt( a(i).TAG ) ); end b = sprintf( '%s%s', b, arts_tgs_cnvrt( a(end).TAG ) ); else % ind = find( a == '"' ); if isodd( length(ind) ) %&% error( ... %&% 'This is not a valid ARTS species tag string (odd number of ").'); %&% end % for i = 1 : 2 : length(ind) s = a( (ind(i)+1) : (ind(i+1)-1) ); ind2 = [0 find( s == ',' ) length(s)+1]; for j = 1 : (length(ind2)-1) b(round(0.5+i/2)).TAG{j} = s( (ind2(j)+1) : (ind2(j+1)-1) ); end end end