function asg_clearsky_demo % This is a demonstration of basic usage of the ArtsSceneGen functions % % A 3-dimensional varying atmospheric state is created. % The atmospheric state consists of fields of: % H2O, O2, N2, temperature, altitude, % surface pressure, and surface altitude. % These variables are stored in atmdata or surfdata format. % The sources to the state are ECMWF and fascod data. % The atmospheric fields are slightly perturbed. % % Spectra around the 183 GHz water vapour line are simulated, for a number of % positions along a hypothetical orbit over the atmospheric domain. The spectra % are for 35 deg out of nadir. %------------------------------------------------------- %------------ Basic settings --------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------- f_grid = 183.31e9 + symgrid( [ 0, 1, 1.8, 3, 4.5, 7 ] )'*1e9; p_grid = vec2col( z2p_simple( [-1e3:500:30e3] ) ); lat_grid = vec2col( [-8 : 8] ); lon_grid = vec2col( [-8 : 8] ); mjd = date2mjd( 2014, 8, 8, 1 ); grids = { p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, mjd }; % Common settings for "disturbances" (TYPE and SI set below) % RND.FORMAT = 'param'; RND.SEPERABLE = true; RND.CCO = 0.01; % Cut-off for correlation values RND.DATALIMS = [0]; % Do not allow negative values RND.CFUN1 = 'exp'; % Exp. correlation function for p-dim. RND.CL1 = [0.15 0.3 0.3]'; % Corr. length varies with altitude RND.CL1_GRID1 = [1100e2 10e2 1e-3]; RND.CFUN2 = 'lin'; % Linear correlation function for lat-dim RND.CL2 = 0.5; % Corr. length 0.5 deg everywhere RND.CFUN3 = 'lin'; % Linear correlation function for lon-dim RND.CL3 = 0.5; % Corr. length 0.5 deg everywhere %------------------------------------------------------- %------------ Import of data --------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------- %This is a demonstration how to import data to atmdata or %surfdata structures from various sources - fascod and ecmwf fascod_data_path = fullfile( atmlab('ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH'), 'planets', ... 'Earth', 'Fascod', 'tropical' ); ecmwf = false; % % this option means that no ecmwf data from chalmers will be used, % if set to true, h2o, o3, temperature, and surface pressure will % imported from chalmers ecmwf data % if ecmwf % Some initial stuff to make use the ECMWF at GEM. % Search for ecmwf-files 6 hours around specified mjd. ecmwf_files = find_ecmwf_files( mjd - 0.25, mjd + 0.25); % extract data from ECMWF files within the below defined limits lat_limits = [ lat_grid(1)-1, lat_grid(end)+1 ]; lon_limits = [ lon_grid(1)-1, lon_grid(end)+1 ]; end % H2O, from ECMWF or fascod % if ecmwf; G{1} = ecmwf2atmdata( ecmwf_files, 'H2O' , p_grid, ... lat_limits, lon_limits); else datafile = fullfile( fascod_data_path, 'tropical.H2O.xml' ); G{1} = gf_artsxml( datafile, 'H2O', 'vmr_field' ); end % i_h2o = length( G ); % O2, from fascod % datafile = fullfile(fascod_data_path, 'tropical.O2.xml'); G{end+1} = gf_artsxml(datafile, 'O2' , 'vmr_field'); i_o2 = length( G ); % N2, set to fixed value (0.718) % G{end+1} = atmdata_scalar(0.718); G{end}.NAME = 'N2'; G{end}.DATA_NAME = 'Volume mixing ratio'; G{end}.DATA_UNIT = '-'; i_n2 = length( G ); % Temperature, from ECMWF or fascod % if ecmwf; G{end+1} = ecmwf2atmdata( ecmwf_files, 'Temperature', p_grid, ... lat_limits, lon_limits ); else datafile = fullfile( fascod_data_path, 'tropical.t.xml' ); G{end+1} = gf_artsxml( datafile, 'temperature' , 't_field' ); end % i_t = length( G ); % surface elevation, set to fixed scalar value (0) % G{end+1} = surfdata_scalar(0); G{end}.NAME = 'Surface elevation'; G{end}.DATA_NAME = 'Altitude'; G{end}.DATA_UNIT = 'm'; % i_z0 = length( G ); % surface pressure, from ECMWF or set to scalar value % if ecmwf G{end+1} = ecmwf2surfdata( ecmwf_files, 'Surface pressure', ... lat_limits, lon_limits); else G{end+1} = surfdata_empty(2); G{end}.NAME = 'Surface pressure'; G{end}.SOURCE = 'Set in demo script'; G{end}.DATA_NAME = 'Pressure'; G{end}.DATA_UNIT = 'Pa'; G{end}.DATA = repmat( 1013e2, length(lat_grid), length(lon_grid) ); G{end}.GRID1 = lat_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = lon_grid; end % i_p0 = length( G ); % surface skin temperature % % Obtained by interpolating t_field. % G{end+1} = surfdata_empty(2); G{end}.NAME = 'Surface skin temperature'; G{end}.SOURCE = 'Set in demo script'; G{end}.DATA_NAME = 'Temperature'; G{end}.DATA_UNIT = 'K'; G{end}.DATA = zeros( length(lat_grid), length(lon_grid) ); G{end}.GRID1 = lat_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = lon_grid; % Here we need two version depending if t_field is 1D or 3D % 1D: if size( G{i_t}.DATA, 2 ) == 1 for i = 1 : length(lat_grid) for j = 1 : length(lon_grid) G{end}.DATA(i,j) = interpp( G{i_t}.GRID1, G{i_t}.DATA, ... G{i_p0}.DATA(i,j) ); end end % 3D: else for i = 1 : length(lat_grid) for j = 1 : length(lon_grid) G{end}.DATA(i,j) = interpp( G{i_t}.GRID1, G{i_t}.DATA(:,i,j), ... G{i_p0}.DATA(i,j) ); end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------ %----- Merge and modify imported data ----------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Regrid data on common grids % [G] = asg_regrid( G, grids ); % Disturbe the temperature field % RND.TYPE = 'abs'; % Absolute disturbance RND.SI = 2; % 1 K G{i_t} = atmdata_rndmz_by_covar( G{i_t}, RND ); % Disturb the H2O field % RND.TYPE = 'rel'; % Relative disturbances as default RND.SI = 0.3; % 30 % G{i_h2o} = atmdata_rndmz_by_covar( G{i_h2o}, RND ); % Create an altitude field based on hydrostat % G{end+1} = asg_hydrostat( G{i_t}, G{i_h2o}, G{i_p0}, G{i_z0} ); i_z = length( G ); %------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------- Surface-RT-settings -------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------ in_angle = vec2col( [0:10:90] ); % incidence angles stokes = vec2col( [1, 2] ); % stokes element t_grid = vec2col( [250:10:310] ); dza_down = -5 + 10*randn(1); % perturbation parameter see below % specify surface rt-properties: 'surface_reflectivity' or 'surface_refractive_index' % you can use one of the six options below % surf=1: scalar reflectivity (scalar) % surf=2: vector reflectivity (frequency variation) % surf=3: matrix reflectivity (frequency, incidence angle, latitude, longitude) % surf=4: matrix reflectivity (frequency, polarisation, polarisation, incidence angle, latitude, longitude) % surf=5: surface_complex_refr_index (frequency, temperature, complex) % surf=6: surface_complex_refr_index (frequency, temperature, complex, latitude, longitude) % % In this demo ARTS will be setup to simulate specular reflection from a flat % surface for the specified surface properties, in a modified way. To take into % account of non-specular scattering in the ARTS simulations, we perturb the % directions for which to calculate downwelling radiation when considering a % surface reflection. The ARTS surface_los variable calculated by e.g. the ARTS % method surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity will be scaled by dza_down. surf = 6; switch surf; case 1 % specify a scalar reflectivity value G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty( 'surface_reflectivity', 0 ); G{end}.DATA = 0.3; % randomize surface reflectivity data si = 0.05; %standard deviation G{end}.DATA = G{end}.DATA + randn(1)*si; case 2 % specify a reflectivity vector G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty( 'surface_reflectivity', 1 ); G{end}.GRID1 = f_grid; G{end}.DATA = 0.3*ones( size(f_grid)); %randomize surface reflectivity data si = 0.05; %standard deviation S = si^2*eye(length(f_grid)); % covmat without correlation G{end}.DATA = randmvar_normal2( G{end}.DATA, S, 1 ); case 3 %specify a reflectivity matrix G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty('surface_reflectivity',4); G{end}.GRID1 = f_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = in_angle; G{end}.GRID3 = lat_grid; G{end}.GRID4 = lon_grid; G{end}.DATA = 0.3*ones( length(f_grid), length(in_angle), ... length(lat_grid), length(lon_grid) ); case 4 %specify a reflectivity matrix G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty('surface_reflectivity',6); G{end}.GRID1 = f_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = stokes; G{end}.GRID3 = stokes; G{end}.GRID4 = in_angle; G{end}.GRID5 = lat_grid; G{end}.GRID6 = lon_grid; G{end}.DATA = 0.3*ones( length(f_grid), length(stokes), ... length(stokes), length(in_angle), ... length(lat_grid), length(lon_grid) ); case 5 % use refractive index of water G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty( 'surface_refractive_index', 3 ); G{end}.GRID1 = f_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = t_grid; G{end}.GRID3 = {'real','imag'}'; G{end}.DATA = zeros( length(G{end}.GRID1), ... length(G{end}.GRID2), ... length(G{end}.GRID3) ); for i=1:size(G{end}.DATA,1) for j=1:size(G{end}.DATA,2) n = sqrt(eps_water_liebe93( G{end}.GRID1(i), G{end}.GRID2(j))); G{end}.DATA(i,j,1) = real(n); G{end}.DATA(i,j,2) = imag(n); end end case 6 % use refractive index of water with a possibility to add lat/lon variation G{end+1} = surfrtdata_empty( 'surface_refractive_index', 5 ); G{end}.GRID1 = f_grid; G{end}.GRID2 = t_grid; G{end}.GRID3 = {'real','imag'}'; G{end}.GRID4 = lat_grid; G{end}.GRID5 = lon_grid; G{end}.DATA = zeros( length(G{end}.GRID1), ... length(G{end}.GRID2), ... length(G{end}.GRID3), ... length(G{end}.GRID4), ... length(G{end}.GRID5) ); for i=1:size(G{end}.DATA,1) for j=1:size(G{end}.DATA,2) n = sqrt(eps_water_liebe93( G{end}.GRID1(i), G{end}.GRID2(j))); for k=1:size(G{end}.DATA,4) for l=1:size(G{end}.DATA,5) G{end}.DATA(i,j,1,k,l) = real(n); G{end}.DATA(i,j,2,k,l) = imag(n); end end end end end % G{end}.DZA_DOWN = dza_down; i_surfrt = length( G ); %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------QARTS-RT-SETTINGS---------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set ARTS absoprtion properties to atmospheric species % G{i_h2o}.PROPS{1} = 'H2O-PWR98'; G{i_o2}.PROPS{1} = 'O2-PWR93'; G{i_n2}.PROPS{1} = 'N2-SelfContStandardType'; % Create a workfolder % workfolder = create_tmpfolder; cu = onCleanup( @()delete_tmpfolder( workfolder ) ); % Set basic parts of Qarts structure % Q = qarts; % Q.INCLUDES = { fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'general.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'agendas.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'continua.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_earth.arts' ) }; % Q.P_GRID = grids{1}; Q.LAT_GRID = grids{2}; Q.LON_GRID = grids{3}; Q.LAT_TRUE = grids{2}; Q.LON_TRUE = grids{3}; Q.F_GRID = f_grid; Q.STOKES_DIM = 2; Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM = 3; Q.CLOUDBOX_DO = false; Q.J_DO = false; Q.SENSOR_DO = false; % % Agendas: Q.PPATH_AGENDA = { 'ppath_agenda__FollowSensorLosPath' }; Q.PPATH_STEP_AGENDA = { 'ppath_step_agenda__GeometricPath' }; Q.BLACKBODY_RADIATION_AGENDA = { 'blackbody_radiation_agenda__Planck' }; Q.IY_SPACE_AGENDA = { 'iy_space_agenda__CosmicBackground' }; Q.IY_SURFACE_AGENDA = { 'iy_surface_agenda__UseSurfaceRtprop' }; Q.IY_MAIN_AGENDA = { 'iy_main_agenda__Emission' }; % Q.REFELLIPSOID = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalEarth' ); % Transfer the atmospheric and surface fields % to the Q structure % Q = asg2q(G, Q, workfolder); % % Absorption is here precalculated. % Q.ABS_LINES_FORMAT = 'None'; Q.ABS_NLS = G{i_h2o}.PROPS; % Q = qarts_abstable( Q, 8, 30, ... [0.05 0.2 0.5 1 3 10 50]' ); Q.ABS_LOOKUP = arts_abstable( Q, workfolder ); % Q.ABSORPTION = 'LoadTable'; %= Set RTE variables (refraction is here neglected) % Q.YCALC_WSMS = { 'yCalc' }; % Q.PPATH_LMAX = 200; Q.IY_UNIT = 'RJBT'; % zplat = 600e3; ny = 5; Q.SENSOR_POS = [ repmat(zplat,ny,1), linspace( -3.5, 3.5, ny )', ... linspace( -1.0, 1.0, ny )' ]; % Q.SENSOR_LOS = repmat( [ 145, 85 ], size(Q.SENSOR_POS,1), 1); %- Calll ARTS and repack y % y = arts_y( Q, workfolder ); % Y = reshape( y(1:Q.STOKES_DIM:end), length(Q.F_GRID), ny ); plot( Q.F_GRID/1e9, Y ) xlabel( 'Frequency' ) ylabel( 'Tb [K]' )