% Reads a Tensor6 from an XML file. % % Internal function that should never be called directly. % Use *xmlLoad* instead. % % FORMAT result = xmlReadTensor6(fid, attrlist, itype, ftype, binary, fid2) % % OUT result Tensor6 % IN fid File descriptor of XML file % IN attrlist List of tag attributes % IN itype Integer type of input file % IN ftype Floating point type of input file % IN binary Flag. 1 = binary file, 0 = ascii % IN fid2 File descriptor of binary file % 2002-10-18 Created by Oliver Lemke. function result = xmlReadTensor6(fid, attrlist, itype, ftype, binary, fid2) nv = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'nvitrines')); ns = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'nshelves')); nb = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'nbooks')); np = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'npages')); nr = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'nrows')); nc = str2double (xmlGetAttrValue (attrlist, 'ncols')); nelem = nv * ns * nb * np * nr * nc; if ~binary result = fscanf (fid, '%f', nelem); else result = fread (fid2, nelem, ftype); end xmlCheckSize (nelem, size (result)); result = permute (reshape (result, [nc nr np nb ns nv]), [6 5 4 3 2 1]);