function [pval, k, K] = circ_kuipertest(alpha1, alpha2, res, vis_on) % [pval, k, K] = circ_kuipertest(sample1, sample2, res, vis_on) % % The Kuiper two-sample test tests whether the two samples differ % significantly.The difference can be in any property, such as mean % location and dispersion. It is a circular analogue of the % Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. % % H0: The two distributions are identical. % HA: The two distributions are different. % % Input: % alpha1 fist sample (in radians) % alpha2 second sample (in radians) % res resolution at which the cdf is evaluated % vis_on display graph % % Output: % pval p-value; the smallest of .10, .05, .02, .01, .005, .002, % .001, for which the test statistic is still higher % than the respective critical value. this is due to % the use of tabulated values. if p>.1, pval is set to 1. % k test statistic % K critical value % % References: % Batschelet, 1980, p. 112 % % Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab % By Marc J. Velasco and Philipp Berens, 2009 % if nargin < 3 res = 100; end if nargin < 4 vis_on = 0; end n = length(alpha1(:)); m = length(alpha2(:)); % create cdfs of both samples [phis1 cdf1 phiplot1 cdfplot1] = circ_samplecdf(alpha1, res); [phis2 cdf2 phiplot2 cdfplot2] = circ_samplecdf(alpha2, res); % maximal difference between sample cdfs [dplus, gdpi] = max([0 cdf1-cdf2]); [dminus, gdmi] = max([0 cdf2-cdf1]); % calculate k-statistic k = n * m * (dplus + dminus); % find p-value [pval K] = kuiperlookup(min(n,m),k/sqrt(n*m*(n+m))); K = K * sqrt(n*m*(n+m)); % visualize if vis_on figure plot(phiplot1, cdfplot1, 'b', phiplot2, cdfplot2, 'r'); hold on plot([phis1(gdpi-1), phis1(gdpi-1)], [cdf1(gdpi-1) cdf2(gdpi-1)], 'o:g'); plot([phis1(gdmi-1), phis1(gdmi-1)], [cdf1(gdmi-1) cdf2(gdmi-1)], 'o:g'); hold off set(gca, 'XLim', [0, 2*pi]); set(gca, 'YLim', [0, 1.1]); xlabel('Circular Location') ylabel('Sample CDF') title('CircStat: Kuiper test') h = legend('Sample 1', 'Sample 2', 'Location', 'Southeast'); set(h,'box','off') set(gca, 'XTick', pi*0:.25:2) set(gca, 'XTickLabel', {'0', '', '', '', 'pi', '', '', '', '2pi'}) end end function [p K] = kuiperlookup(n, k) load kuipertable.mat; alpha = [.10, .05, .02, .01, .005, .002, .001]; nn = ktable(:,1); %#ok % find correct row of the table [easy row] = ismember(n, nn); if ~easy % find closest value if no entry is present) row = length(nn) - sum(n end end % find minimal p-value and test-statistic idx = find(ktable(row,2:end)