function S = atms(file, varargin) % read saphir data in the common format % % For info on the common format, see SatDataset/reader. % % FIXME DOC % % See also: SatDataset/reader core_fields = {'BrightnessTemperature', 'BrightnessTemperatureFactors', 'LatitudeScan', 'LongitudeScan'}; extra_fields = optargs(varargin, {{}}); all_fields = [core_fields(:); extra_fields(:)]; filen = file; try info=h5info(file); catch ME switch ME.identifier case {'MATLAB:imagesci:deprecatedHDF5:libraryError', ... 'MATLAB:imagesci:h5info:fileOpenErr'} % probably compressed file = uncompress(file, atmlab('WORK_AREA'), ... struct('unidentified', 'error')); % if we reach here, it means filename uncompressed is not the % original filename! cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()delete(file)); hinfo = h5info(file); otherwise ME.rethrow(); end end % Check where is the real file tf = strcmp(filen, file); if tf == 0 file = filen; end % Get information about the file. f = h5read( hinfo.Filename, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperature/' ); fac = h5read( hinfo.Filename, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR_All/BrightnessTemperatureFactors/' ); f_cor = double(f)*fac(1); % Lat, lon lat = h5read( hinfo.Filename, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Latitude/'); lon = h5read( hinfo.Filename, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Longitude/'); time = h5read( hinfo.Filename, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/MidTime/'); % Start time time = double(time/1e6); t_conv2 = zeros( length(time),6); sec = zeros( length(time),1); for idx=1:length(time) dnum2 = datenum( 1958,1,1,0,0,time(idx) ); [t_conv2(idx,1), t_conv2(idx,2), t_conv2(idx,3), t_conv2(idx,4), t_conv2(idx,5), t_conv2(idx,6)] = datevec(dnum2); sec(idx,1) = hms2sec( t_conv2(idx,4), t_conv2(idx,5), t_conv2(idx,6) ); end S.tb = permute(f_cor, [3,2,1]); = lat'; S.lon = lon'; S.time = sec; S.fullt = t_conv2; S.filename = file; %wrong_way = {'TbCh1', 'TbCh2', 'TbCh3', 'TbCh4', 'TbCh5', 'TbCh6', 'IncidencAngle'}; %% copy over extra fields %for i = 1:length(extra_fields) % S.(extra_fields{i}) ={i}); % if any(strcmp(extra_fields{i}, wrong_way)) % S.(extra_fields{i}) = S.(extra_fields{i}).'; % end % %end end