% QARTS3_IY_DEMO Doing an iyCalc calculation with Qarts3 % % A simple demonstration of how to use Qarts3 for performing a % monochromatic pencil beam calculations using ARTS' iyCalc method, and % how to use iy_aux and ppath also outputted by iyCalc. % % See the code for details. If the function is called with no output % arguments, a set of figures are produced with sample results. % % The script has been kept as similar as possible to *qarts_iy_demo* and can % thus be an help to understand the differences between Qarts and Qarts3. % % FORMAT [iy,iy_aux,ppath] = qarts3_iy_demo % % OUT iy As the ARTS WSV with the same name. % iy_aux As the ARTS WSV with the same name. % ppath As the ARTS WSV with the same name. % 2020-08-20 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [iy,iy_aux,ppath] = qarts3_iy_demo %- Atmlab settings % arts_xmldata_path = atmlab( 'ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH' ); arts_includes = atmlab( 'ARTS_INCLUDES' ); if isnan( arts_xmldata_path ) error( 'You need to set ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH to run this exmaple.' ); end if isnan( arts_includes ) error( 'You need to ARTS_INCLUDES to run this example.' ); end % fascod = fullfile( arts_xmldata_path, 'planets', 'Earth', 'Fascod' ); %- Init Q % Q = qarts3; % Q.INCLUDES = { fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'general.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'agendas.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'continua.arts' ), ... fullfile( 'ARTS_INCLUDES', 'planet_earth.arts' ) }; Q.ATMOSPHERE_DIM = 1; Q.stokes_dim = 1; Q.J = []; Q.PARTICLES = []; Q.CHECKS_DO = 1; %= Define agendas % % Here we do it by using the predefined agenda templates % (found in arts/controlfiles/general/agendas.arts) % This works only if the pre-defined agenda is names following the pattern: % name_of_agenda__(Something) % Q.abs_xsec_agenda = { 'abs_xsec_agenda__noCIA' }; Q.propmat_clearsky_agenda = { 'propmat_clearsky_agenda__OnTheFly' }; Q.ppath_agenda = { 'ppath_agenda__FollowSensorLosPath' }; Q.ppath_step_agenda = { 'ppath_step_agenda__GeometricPath' }; Q.iy_space_agenda = { 'iy_space_agenda__CosmicBackground' }; Q.iy_surface_agenda = { 'iy_surface_agenda__UseSurfaceRtprop' }; Q.iy_main_agenda = { 'iy_main_agenda__Emission' }; %= Absorption % Q.GAS_SPECIES(1).TAG{1} = 'O3'; Q.GAS_SPECIES(2).TAG{1} = 'H2O-PWR98'; Q.GAS_SPECIES(3).TAG{1} = 'N2-SelfContStandardType'; Q.GAS_SPECIES(4).TAG{1} = 'O2-PWR98'; % Q.ABSORPTION{end+1} = sprintf( 'ReadARTSCAT(%s="%s",%s="%s",%s="%s")', ... 'filename', ... fullfile( atmlab_example_data , 'o3line111ghz' ), ... 'normalization_option', 'VVH', ... 'lineshapetype_option', 'VP' ); Q.ABSORPTION{end+1} = 'abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines'; %= Define atmosphere and surface % Q.p_grid = z2p_simple( [0:500:45e3 46e3:1e3:95e3]' ); % arts_xmldata_path = atmlab( 'ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH' ); if isnan( arts_xmldata_path ) error('You need ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH to run this example.'); end % Q.RAW_ATMOSPHERE = fullfile( arts_xmldata_path, 'planets', 'Earth', ... 'Fascod', 'tropical', 'tropical' ); Q.RAW_ATM_EXPAND_1D = false; % Q.refellipsoid = ellipsoidmodels( 'SphericalEarth' ); Q.Z_SURFACE = { 'Arts2{', 'Extract( z_surface, z_field, 0 )', '}' }; %= To enforce detailed hydrostatic equilibrium % % This demands that a geographical position is specified, through LAT/LON_TRUE. % Q.HSE.ON = true; Q.HSE.P = Q.p_grid(1); Q.HSE.ACCURACY = 1; % Q.lat_true = 15; Q.lon_true = -30; %- Frequency grid % Q.f_grid = qarts_get( fullfile( atmlab_example_data , ... 'f_grid_111ghz.xml' ) ); %- Radiative transfer % Q.iy_unit = 'RJBT'; % Q.ppath_lmax = 250; % Q.rte_pos2 = []; % Here a dummy value % Q.rte_pos = 2.3e3; Q.rte_los = 70; % Q.iy_aux_vars = { 'Optical depth' }; % Q.WSMS_AT_END = { 'iyCalc', ' iy', ' iy_aux', ... ' ppath' }; %- Calculate % U = qarts3_run( Q, [], 'All', false ); % iy = U.iy; iy_aux = U.iy_aux; ppath = U.ppath; %- Plot? % if nargout == 0 figure(1) f = qarts_get( Q.f_grid ); plot( f/1e9, iy ) xlabel( 'Frequency [GHz]' ); ylabel( 'Brightness temperature [K]' ); title( 'Monochromatic pencil beam spectrum' ); figure(2) plot( f/1e9, iy_aux{1}(:,1,1,end) ) xlabel( 'Frequency [GHz]' ); ylabel( 'OPtical depth [-]' ); title( 'Corresponding optical depths' ); figure(3) plot( ppath.pos(:,1)/1e3, ppath.los ) xlabel( 'Altitude [km]' ); ylabel( 'Zenith angle [deg]' ); title( 'Change of zenith angle with height of ppath' ); end