function attributes = loadncattr( ncfile , varargin) %% loadncattr % % PURPOSE % Load the attributes for all variables in a netcdf file, or just a % subset of them % % IN % ncfile is either a string filename % OR % an id of an already open netcdf file % % variables {'str','str2'} variables to read. if none are given, read all % % OUT % attributes struct % % Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ errId = ['atmlab:' mfilename]; if ischar(ncfile) % UNCOMPRESS if needed if strcmp(ncfile(end-2:end),'.gz') tmpdir = create_tmpfolder; c= onCleanup(@() rmdir(tmpdir,'s')); ncfile = uncompress(ncfile,tmpdir); if isempty(ncfile), error(errId,'Uncompressing failed'); end end ncid = (ncfile, 'NOWRITE'); cleanupObject = onCleanup(@() netcdf.close (ncid)); else ncid = ncfile; end [~,nvars] = netcdf.inq(ncid); [inVars] = optargs(varargin,{''}); isstr=~iscell(inVars); % if only one varname is given if isstr, inVars={inVars}; end attributes = struct(); for i = 0:nvars-1 [varname, ~, ~, natts] = netcdf.inqVar (ncid, i); svarname = genvarname(varname); if ~isempty(varargin) && ~any(ismember(inVars,svarname)) % skip if I want specific vars continue end for j = 0:natts-1 attname = netcdf.inqAttName (ncid, i, j); if ~isempty(varargin) && isstr attributes.(genvarname(attname)) = ... netcdf.getAtt (ncid, i, attname); else attributes.(svarname).(genvarname(attname)) = ... netcdf.getAtt (ncid, i, attname); end end end end