% CONVERT_MPM89_LINES Converts line data from MPM89 to a ARTS xml file % % The output xml-file is of the most recent type, including line shape % information etc. The function makes use of *artscat2xml.arts* and some % temporary files (that are deleted automatically). You must be placed in % this folder to run the function. % % To fully mimic MPM89 using the line file, you need to add the continuum % term. You set the defintion of "H2O-MPM89" to just include the continuum % in this way % abs_cont_descriptionAppend( tagname="H2O-MPM89", % model="MPM89Continuum" ) % % If the optional argument *do_rttov* is set, some data are modified in order % to match the changes applied in RTTOV and the result is written to: % lines_rttov.xml. The RRTOV modifications are based on Turner, Rayer and % Saunders, AMSUTRAN: A microwave transmittance code for satellite remote % sensing, 2019. % % Absorptivity (in 1/m) in ARTS for one transition is % alpha = i * (p*v)/(k_b*T) * Q(T0)/Q(T) * (exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T)))/ % (exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T))) * S_0 * F(f,f0) % where i is the isotopolgue fraction, v is (full) VMR value of the species % and for the rest see ARTS1 paper (Buehler et al, 2005) % % Absorptivity (in 1/m) in MPM89 for one transition is % alpha = 1e-3 * z * 0.1820 * f * b_1 * e * th^3.5 * exp(b1*(1-th)) * F' % where the factor 1e-3 is due to usage of non-SI units, z is the conversion % factor from dB/km to 1/m, th=(300/T) and for the rest see the MPM89 paper. % Note that MPM89 line shape, F', is defined such that (pi*f)/f0 * F' = F. % % By analysing the temperature dependency of the (total) absorption, % it is found that th^2.5 * exp(b1*(1-th)) must be equal to % Q(T0)/Q(T) * (exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T)))/(exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T))) % By testing it was found that MPM must assume that Q(T) follows th^1.5, % which is the standard approxmation for non-linear triatomic molecules. % The transitions lower energy state is below derived by solving % th*exp(b1*(1-th)) = % (exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T)))/(exp(-L/(k_b*T))-exp(-U/(k_b*T))) % for T=200K. % % By rearrangement of remaining terms, it is found that (T0=300K): % S0 = pi * k_b * T0 * z * 0.1820e4 * i * v0 * b_1; % % Using the produced linefile and the hard-coded MPM89 agrees inside 0.02K for % nadir satellite view, except for 448 GHz where deviations around 0.1 K are % found? Not clarified why. % % FORMAT convert_mpm89_lines(filename,[do_rttov,i_lines]) % % IN filename Name of xml file to create % OPT do_rttov Apply changes used in RTTOV. Default is false. % i_lines Inlude lines with these indexes, a vector of integers (see % table in code). Default is to include all. Some selections % are hard-coded and selected by giving a string: % 'UpTo340'; Sets *i_lines* to indexes that gives marginal % deviation below 340 GHz, compared to using all MPM lines. % 2019-12-27 Patrick Eriksson function convert_mpm89_lines(filename,do_rttov,i_lines) % if nargin < 2 | isempty(do_rttov), do_rttov = false; end if nargin < 3, i_lines = []; end % Special options for *i_lines* % if ischar( i_lines ) switch i_lines case 'UpTo340' i_lines = setdiff( 1:30, [2:3 9:10 14:18 20:21 23:29] ); otherwise error( 'Unknown string given for *i_lines* (%s)', i_lines ); end end % Line data from continuua.cc: L = { {22.235080, 0.1090, 2.143, 28.11, 0.69, 4.80, 1.00}, % 1 {67.813960, 0.0011, 8.735, 28.58, 0.69, 4.93, 0.82}, % 2 {119.995940, 0.0007, 8.356, 29.48, 0.70, 4.78, 0.79}, % 3 {183.310074, 2.3000, 0.668, 28.13, 0.64, 5.30, 0.85}, % 4 {321.225644, 0.0464, 6.181, 23.03, 0.67, 4.69, 0.54}, % 5 {325.152919, 1.5400, 1.540, 27.83, 0.68, 4.85, 0.74}, % 6 {336.187000, 0.0010, 9.829, 26.93, 0.69, 4.74, 0.61}, % 7 {380.197372, 11.9000, 1.048, 28.73, 0.69, 5.38, 0.84}, % 8 {390.134508, 0.0044, 7.350, 21.52, 0.63, 4.81, 0.55}, % 9 {437.346667, 0.0637, 5.050, 18.45, 0.60, 4.23, 0.48}, % 10 {439.150812, 0.9210, 3.596, 21.00, 0.63, 4.29, 0.52}, % 11 {443.018295, 0.1940, 5.050, 18.60, 0.60, 4.23, 0.50}, % 12 {448.001075, 10.6000, 1.405, 26.32, 0.66, 4.84, 0.67}, % 13 {470.888947, 0.3300, 3.599, 21.52, 0.66, 4.57, 0.65}, % 14 {474.689127, 1.2800, 2.381, 23.55, 0.65, 4.65, 0.64}, % 15 {488.491133, 0.2530, 2.853, 26.02, 0.69, 5.04, 0.72}, % 16 {503.568532, 0.0374, 6.733, 16.12, 0.61, 3.98, 0.43}, % 17 {504.482692, 0.0125, 6.733, 16.12, 0.61, 4.01, 0.45}, % 18 {556.936002, 510.0000, 0.159, 32.10, 0.69, 4.11, 1.00}, % 19 {620.700807, 5.0900, 2.200, 24.38, 0.71, 4.68, 0.68}, % 20 {658.006500, 0.2740, 7.820, 32.10, 0.69, 4.14, 1.00}, % 21 {752.033227, 250.0000, 0.396, 30.60, 0.68, 4.09, 0.84}, % 22 {841.073593, 0.0130, 8.180, 15.90, 0.33, 5.76, 0.45}, % 23 {859.865000, 0.1330, 7.989, 30.60, 0.68, 4.09, 0.84}, % 24 {899.407000, 0.0550, 7.917, 29.85, 0.68, 4.53, 0.90}, % 25 {902.555000, 0.0380, 8.432, 28.65, 0.70, 5.10, 0.95}, % 26 {906.205524, 0.1830, 5.111, 24.08, 0.70, 4.70, 0.53}, % 27 {916.171582, 8.5600, 1.442, 26.70, 0.70, 4.78, 0.78}, % 28 {970.315022, 9.1600, 1.920, 25.50, 0.64, 4.94, 0.67}, % 29 {987.926764, 138.0000, 0.258, 29.85, 0.68, 4.55, 0.90}}; % 30 % Other hard-coded data kb = constants( 'BOLTZMANN_CONST' ); h = constants( 'PLANCK_CONST' ); % MPM's reference temperature t0 = 300; % Matches factor 0.1820 and some units conversions giving 1e-3 cfac = 1e4 * (4*pi/constants('SPEED_OF_LIGHT')) * log10(exp(1)); % Conversion from dB/km to 1/m dB_km_to_1_m = (1e-3 / (10.0 * log10(exp(1))) ); % Relative abundance of H2O-161 isocorr = 1/.997317; % Set defualt for lines to include? % if isempty( i_lines ), i_lines = 1 : length(L); filtered = false; else filtered = true; end % Start of output file % fid = fopen( 'tmp1.ac', 'w' ); % fprintf( fid, '\n' ); fprintf( fid, '\n' ); fprintf( fid, '\n', length(i_lines) ); % Loop lines % for i = vec2row(i_lines) v0 = L{i}{1} * 1e9; i0 = pi * kb * t0 * dB_km_to_1_m * cfac * isocorr * v0 * L{i}{2}; % elow is calculated by t = 200; th = 300/t; r = th * exp( L{i}{3} * (1 - th ) ); elow = - log( r * (1-exp(-h*v0/t0/kb)) / (1-exp(-h*v0/t/kb)) ) * ... kb / (1/t - 1/t0); AGAM = L{i}{4} * 1e3; SGAM = L{i}{4} * L{i}{6} * 1e3; AGAM_T = L{i}{5}; SGAM_T = L{i}{7}; if do_rttov if abs( v0 - 22.235e9 ) < 1e6 AGAM = 26560; elseif abs( v0 - 183.310e9 ) < 1e6 AGAM = 29190; AGAM_T = 0.77; end end fprintf( fid, ['@ H2O-161 %.8e 0 %e %.0f %e ', ... '%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.0f 0 ', ... '-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1\n'], ... v0, i0, t0, elow, AGAM, SGAM, AGAM_T, SGAM_T, t0 ); end % End of file % fprintf( fid, '\n' ); fprintf( fid, '\n' ); % fclose(fid); % Add lineshape etc and convert to abs_lines XML file % !arts -r000 artscat2xml.arts % movefile( 'tmp2.xml', filename ); % delete( 'tmp1.ac' );