% ENU2ZAAA Converts east-north-up to viewing angles % % Converts unit vectors in the ENU system (East,North,Up) to local % zenith and azimuth line-of-sight (LOS) angles to . The LOS angles are % defined as in ARTS: % za aa % 90 0 points towards north % 90 90 points towards east % 0 aa points up % % Note that it does not matter how "up" here is defined, can be e.g. both % geocentric and geodetic. % % FORMAT [za,aa] = zaaa2enu(de,dn,du) % % OUT za zenith angle % aa azimuth angle % IN de LOS component in e dimension (norm([de,dn,du]) must be 1) % dn LOS component in n dimension % du LOS component in u dimension % 2020-09-12 Patrick Eriksson function [za,aa] = enu2zaaa(de,dn,du) za = acosd( du ); aa = atan2d( de, dn );