% P2Z_CIRA86 Converts pressure to altitude and temperature % % Converts pressure to altitude and temperature assuming cira86 % climataology. Linear interpolation between log(pressure), % latitude, and day of year is performed. % % FORMAT [Z,T] = p2z_cira86( P , LAT , DOY ) % % OUT Z Altitude in meter, for all combinations of P, LAT, DOY % Size is [np,nlat,ndoy] % T Temperature in kelvin, for all combinations of P, LAT, DOY % Size is [nz,nlat,ndoy] % IN P Pressure in pascal. Can be a scalar or column vector % LAT Latitude. Can be a scalar or column vector [-90 to 90]. % DOY Day of year. Can be a scalar or column vector % 2007-11-01 Created by Bengt Rydberg function [z,t] = p2z_cira86(p,lat,doy) if atmlab('STRICT_ASSERT') rqre_datatype( p, @istensor1 ); rqre_datatype( lat, @istensor1 ); rqre_datatype( doy, @istensor1 ); if any(doy)>367 | any(doy<1) error('doy range is [1,367]') end if any(lat)>90 | any(lat<-90) error('latitude range is -90 to 90') end end % Create a a mjd matching the given doy (ie. the inverse of mjd2doy) mjd = date2mjd( 2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) + doy - 1; cira86 = fullfile( atmlab('ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH'), 'planets', ... 'Earth', 'CIRA86', 'climatology', 'cira86.z.xml' ); G = gf_artsxml( cira86, 'CIRA86', 'z_field' ); if any( p < G.GRID1(end) ) error( ['One or several input pressures are above the upper limit of CIRA86 ' ... '(that is %.3f Pa)'], G.GRID1(end) ); end G = atmdata_regrid( G, { p, lat, 0, mjd } ); if length(mjd) > 1 z = reshape( G.DATA, [size(G.DATA,1), size(G.DATA,2), size(G.DATA,4)] ); else z = G.DATA; end if nargout > 1 cira86 = fullfile( atmlab('ARTS_XMLDATA_PATH'), 'planets', ... 'Earth', 'CIRA86', 'climatology', 'cira86.t.xml' ); G = gf_artsxml( cira86, 'CIRA86', 't_field' ); G = atmdata_regrid( G, { p, lat, 0, mjd } ); if length(mjd) > 1 t = reshape( G.DATA, [size(G.DATA,1), size(G.DATA,2), size(G.DATA,4)] ); else t = G.DATA; end end