% TYPHON_CTABLES Returns path to typhon color palette table. % % This function returns the full path to a cptfile defining a color palette. % Currently all colormaps distributed with the typhon package [1] are % available. % % The original colormaps were developed by Kristen M. Thyng of Texas A&M % University's Department of Oceanography for commonly-used oceanographic % variables. [2] % % The return argument can be used with atmlab's GMT wrapper as % in.ctable = typhon_ctables('density') % % [1] http://radiativetransfer.org/misc/typhon/doc/cm.html % [2] http://matplotlib.org/cmocean/ % % FORMAT cmap = typhon_ctables(name) % % OUT cptfile Path to cpt file. % IN name Colormap name. % Valid names are: % density % difference % phase % speed % temperature % velocity % vorticity % 2016-08-08 Lukas Kluft: Created. function cptfile = typhon_ctables(name) data_file = [name '.cpt']; if ~exist(data_file, 'file') error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid ', ... 'Invalid color palette name: "%s". See help.'], name); end cptfile = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), data_file); end