function file = extra_legend(in) % EXTRA_LEGEND create an extra legend box % % Purpose: To create an extra legend box for the missing values % % IN struct: % in.xtra_legend.type = 'nan','fg',or 'bg' % = e.g. 'NaN % % OUT %s fileThe output-file location % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ if ~isstruct(in.extra_legend) % then you have provided the psscale command directly file = ''; return end X = in.extra_legend; assert(all(isfield(X,{'name','type'})),['atmlab:' mfilename],'Must have fields ''name'' and ''type''') %create nan.cpt for NaN colorbox switch X.type case 'nan' file = 'color_nan.cpt'; %save to local file tmp = splitstring(in.color_nan,'/'); case 'fg' file = 'color_fg.cpt'; %save to local file tmp = splitstring(in.color_foreground,'/'); case 'bg' file = 'color_bg.cpt'; %save to local file tmp = splitstring(in.color_background,'/'); otherwise error(['atmlab' mfilename ':badInput'],'choose type nan,fg, or bg') end str = sprintf('%s\t%s\t%s',tmp{1},tmp{2},tmp{3}); fid = fopen(file,'w'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n',['#cpt file created by: ' mfilename]); fprintf(fid,'%s\n','# Created for extra colorbox'); fprintf(fid,'%s\n%s\n','#COLOR_MODEL = RGB','#'); fprintf(fid,'%i\t%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\n',1,str,2,str,[';']); fclose(fid);