function command = pslocations(in) % PSLOCATIONS Adds location markers to a GMT plot. % % IN % in struct options here (see help gmt_plot) % command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % OUT command cell cell of string commands for systemcall % % Created by Oliver Lemke & Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ default.symbol = 'c'; %circle default.symbolsize = '5p'; default.symbolfill = '255/255/255'; default.symbolcolor = '255/255/255'; default.justify = 'CM'; default.fontsize = '10p'; command = cell(1,2*length(in.locations)); j = 1; for i = 1:length(in.locations) tmp = optargs_struct(in.locations(i),default); if ~isempty(tmp.symbol) %% Make the symbol if it is wanted % Make the text file containing the coordinates txtfile = ['symbol' num2str(i)]; fid=fopen(txtfile,'w'); cleanup = onCleanup(@() fclose(fid)); fprintf(fid,'%g\t%g\t',tmp.lon,; command{j} = sprintf('gmt psxy %s -R -J -S%s%s -G%s -Wthinner,%s %s -O -K >>',... txtfile,tmp.symbol,tmp.symbolsize,tmp.symbolfill,tmp.symbolcolor,in.plotPlacement,in.filename); j = j+1; end if isfield(tmp,'text') && ~isempty(tmp.text) %% Print some text on the map if isfield(in,'pstext') tmpstruct = catstruct(rmfield(in,'pstext'),struct('pstext',tmp)); else tmpstruct = catstruct(in,struct('pstext',tmp)); end command{j} = pstext(tmpstruct,i); j = j+1; end end command = command(1:j-1);