function [command,PT] = pstext(in,count) % PSTEXT Make text to overlay GMT plot % (x, y, size, angle, fontno, justify, text) see help gmt_plot % IN file %s file to append to % in struct options here (see help gmt_plot) % placement %s string command about where to pu the map % (common to all commands) % % OUT command str string command for systemcall of pstext % % Created by Salomon Eliasson % $Id$ assert(all(isfield(in.pstext,{'text','lat','lon'})),['gmtlab:' mfilename ':BadInput'],... '''text'',''lat'',''lon'' are the minimum input requirements for in.pstext') if nargin==1, count = 1; end % set some defaults default.fontsize= '20p'; % text size in points default.angle = 0; % degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal default.font = 1; % sets the font type default.justify = 'CM'; % sets the alignment default.color = '0/0/0'; % textcolor (black) PT = optargs_struct(in.pstext,default); txtfile = ['pstextfile' num2str(count)]; fid=fopen(txtfile,'w'); cleanup = onCleanup(@() fclose(fid)); % Create an intermediate file that contains the required input per fprintf(fid,'%g\t%g\t%s,%s,%s\t%g\t%s\t%s',... PT.lon,,PT.fontsize,num2str(PT.font),PT.color,PT.angle,num2str(PT.justify),PT.text); % -N means don't clip the text command = sprintf('gmt pstext %s -F+f+a+j -N -R -J -K -O %s >>',txtfile,in.plotPlacement,in.filename); end