function [h_ax, h_cb] = scatter_density_plot(x, y, varargin) %% scatter_density_plot Create scatter density plot in style of Eliasson et. al (2013) % % Create a scatter-density plot in the style of Eliasson et. al (2013). % This routine plots a 2-dimensional histogram between the provided % variables, optionally plotting median y(x), median x(y) and the actual % measurement points in the same graph. % % Adding labels, titles, axes-properties etc. is not done in this function, % but should be done by the user manually, or by passing the 'axprops' % option. See below for an example. % % NOTE: If you provide a 'trans' argument you must also provide the opposite transformation! % E.g. If you provide opt.transx = @(x)log10(x), provide the opposite, % opt.invtrans = @(x)10.^(x) % % IN % % x vector data on x-axis % y vector data on y-axis % opts structure with options: % bins no. bins or vector with all bins (see hist2d) % xbins bins for x only (default: equal to bins) % ybins bins for y only (default: equal to bins) % trans transformation, e.g. @(x)log10(x) on both axis % invtrans inverse of trans, e.g. @(x)10.^(x) on both axis % transx transformation, e.g. @(x)log10(x) % invtransx inverse of trans, e.g. @(x)10.^(x) % axprops structure with axes properties % ncolour number of unique colours % scatprops if defined, structure with props for scatter-points % diagonal if defined, structure with props for diag-line % medprops if defined, structure or array of two structures % with props for median-lines. If those are two % structures, the first is used for medians as a % function of x, the second for medians as a function % of y. % Additional fields that can be included in opts.medprops: % 'atleastN' Only calculate median where there are % atleast N binned values. % legend.names = {names} to be displayed in a legend related to the median lines % e.g. legend.Location = 'NorthWest' % etc. (except for legend.names, fieldnames and options must be valid for legend() ) % linreg if defined, structure with props for linreg-line % normalise string representing how to normalise, if at all: % 'none' (default) just write collocs % 'x' normalise per x-bin % % ... % % OUT % % h_ax handle to main axes % h_cb handle to colourbar-axes % % EXAMPLE % % To compare IWP products with logarithmic axes, one may use e.g.: % % opts.trans = @(x)log10(x); % provide transformation on both axis % opts.invtrans = @(x)10.^(x); % inverse transformation on both axis % opts.transx = @(x)log10(x); % provide transformation % opts.invtransx = @(x)10.^(x); % inverse transformation % opts.axprops.xscale = 'log'; % logarithmic x-scale % opts.axprops.yscale = 'log'; % idem dito % opts.medprops = struct('LineWidth', 3, 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', [0 0 0]); % [h_ax, h_cb] = scatter_density_plot(x, y, opts); % % $Id$ % Created by Gerrit Holl based on code from Salomon Eliasson % % See also: hist, hist2d, bin, median % set default values and handle options defaults = struct(... 'bins', 50, ... 'xbins', [], ... 'ybins', [], ... 'trans', @(x)x, ... 'transx',[],... 'transy',[],... 'invtrans', @(x)x, ... 'invtransx', [], ... 'invtransy', [], ... 'axprops', struct(), ... 'ncolour', 20, ... 'medprops', [], ... 'scatprops', [], ... 'diagonal', [], ... 'linreg', [], ... 'normalise', '(none)'); opts = optargs(varargin, {defaults}); opts = optargs_struct(opts, defaults); if isempty(opts.xbins) opts.xbins = opts.bins; end if isempty(opts.ybins) opts.ybins = opts.bins; end if isempty(opts.transx) opts.transx = opts.trans; opts.invtransx = opts.invtrans; end if isempty(opts.transy) opts.transy = opts.trans; opts.invtransy = opts.invtrans; end % create the actual 2-d histogram. Apply forward transformation upon data, % then inverse transformation upon plotting. This allows for, e.g. % logarithmic representations. [N, BX, BY] = hist2d(opts.transx(x), opts.transy(y), opts.xbins, opts.ybins); xbins = BX(1, :); ybins = BY(:, 1); paddedx = [xbins(1)-diff(xbins(1:2)),xbins,xbins(end)+diff(xbins(1:2))]; paddedy = [ybins(1)-diff(ybins(1:2));ybins;ybins(end)+diff(ybins(1:2))]; paddedN = [zeros(1,size(N,2)+2);[zeros(size(N,1),1),N,zeros(size(N,1),1)];zeros(1,size(N,2)+2)]; switch opts.normalise case '(none)' % do nothing case 'x' newpaddedN = bsxfun(@rdivide, paddedN, sum(paddedN, 1)); newpaddedN(:, sum(paddedN, 1)==0) = 0; paddedN = newpaddedN; otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':invalid', ... 'Invalid option for normalise: %s. See help.'], opts.normalise); end %% plot the actual 2d-histogram pcolor(opts.invtransx(paddedx), opts.invtransy(paddedy), paddedN); %pcolor(opts.invtransx(xbins), opts.invtransy(ybins), N); set(gca(), opts.axprops); % Remove the grid (but this can be misleading) shading('flat'); % use a custom colour-table, most notably with white as the base colour largecolour = getColourTable(length(unique(N)),opts); set(gcf(), 'colormap', largecolour); %% plot medians hold('on'); if ~isempty(opts.medprops) plot_medians(x, y, paddedx, paddedy, opts); end %% plot actual measurements if ~isempty(opts.scatprops) plot(x, y, opts.scatprops); end %% plot diagonal if ~isempty(opts.diagonal) plot([1e-3 1e6], [1e-3 1e6], opts.diagonal); end %plot_medians(y, x, ybins, opts); %% plot linreg if ~isempty(opts.linreg) p = polyfit(x, y, 1); xx = linspace(min(x), max(x), 10); yy = polyval(p, xx); plot(xx, yy, opts.linreg); end %% tweak the looks axis('square'); grid('on'); set(gca(), 'layer', 'top'); % otherwise grid is below everything h_ax = gca(); h_cb = colorbar(); hold('off'); end function plot_medians(x, y, xbins, ybins, opts) binned_x = bin(opts.transx(x), opts.transy(y), xbins); binned_y = bin(opts.transy(y), opts.transx(x), ybins); if isfield(opts.medprops,'atleastN') binned_x(cellfun(@numel,binned_x)